When Lora hears Cratol speak of taking on both at once and then admitting that he has no sharp weapons she says" Are you crazy?" She curses and joins Poljen. Lora lines up her blade carefully and stabs towards his neck.
Out of Character: : This is quite possibly suicide for us. Unless we are very fortunate this might turn out very badly. If we don't take one down almost immediately we are doomed most likely. We more than have our hands full. If it turns that way let Lora stay behind. I don't want Poljen and Cratol to die. Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Dec, 2017 - 5:29pm
Studying the instructions with Poppo, Lawrance asks "I just had a funny thought - What if we cast water breathing on all our party through a ritual, and then dive this castle about 500 feet below sea level? "
Out of Character: : If you critical with an automatic critical, is there any gain? All rolls to hits these sleeping giants is going to be advantage no matter what, but the more damage you can deal, the more likely they'll be to die. And, even if they wake up, you should still get the prone advantage, right?
"Tazskan, please keep us in the loop as to how the group is doing. I fear only three of us attacking two giants is folly."
Out of Character: . Yeah. As we all know out of character, you can't just cut the throat of a monster that surely has dozens and dozens of hit points. You'll get a surprise round and some bonuses during that round at best, I'd think. I know Poljen won't back down, although perhaps if the situation is bad enough he'd be strategic about it. I fear a much greater than normal chance that this is goodbye for at least one character if not all three.
Tazskan, meanwhile receives a vision from Amabalis. Showing a Monk, Cleric and Barbarian attempting to cut the throat of a couple of sleeping giants.
Rubbing, his forehead, sweat beading.
"Sorry, to disturb you two Mages, but you may need to speed up your rituals, or what ever it is your doing" he says nervously.
His complexion, just became a lot paler. Edited: anronrosby on 4th Dec, 2017 - 11:42pm
Cratol, Lora, and Poljen carefully clamber up onto the bed and walk over to stand over the heads of the sleeping couple.
The room swiftly erupts into chaos. Poljen cuts down into the man's thick neck, twice, as Cratol delivers a series of blows to the woman's larynx.
Unfortunately the man jerks in his sleep just enough for Lora's blow to miss its mark.
Coughing and cursing, the two giants awaken, confused and beginning to flail about.