(Laugh), he might be a bit creeped out, but at least he's not really a full on Paladin. He has no Oath yet, and only recently received both his sorcery powers from a live dragon and his holy powers via the subsequent alignment with Bahamut. He's new to much of this and doesn't have the need to police the moral aspects of everything as other paladins might. He's just a simple man who has just finally found his purpose, and preaching isn't it.
Zarra will offer to take care of the cultists, or at least help do so, slitting their throats and over the side before heading back into the room within the hut. The drow will notice the talk of equipment and says, "I will take whatever may help me in this mission, after others have chosen."
As Ignazio catches up to the group, he sees Nicolaos standing over the two sleeping cultists and whispers, "Did you start giving them one of your sermons?" Smiling, he pulls out two sets of manacles and dangles them over the two like an infant's mobile. "Shall we make sure they keep their hands to themselves?"
Out of Character: :
If no one objects, Ignazio will manacle them now. If that will wake them up, he waits until they are back into the room.
"No blood, and let's see what they know first, eh? I wouldn't mind knowing how many more are in this castle, and where this vampire sleeps during the day."
"I was actually wondering if anyone has any spells that create 'natural' daylight."
Poljen sleeps through the intruder incident, snoring some on his own. Save for his chest rising and falling, he doesn't move at all.
Out of Character: : Since we have at least guaranteed a short rest, I will roll all 6 remaining Hit Dice, just in case we don't get through to the Long Rest.
"Wow, that was close. Thank you all. Well done."
"Lawrance, Poppo, can we get alarms out side of the door by at least 10 feet or so such that we know before anyone else approaches?"
"How goes steering the castle just a bit off course and slowing it down just a hair? We could slowly turn towards Cratol's home, if I have my bearings right."
Nikolaos stands over the captives studying their clothes and appearance, before searching them for weapons or other interesting things.
He then address the rest of the group." We only have a few minutes before they wake up, and I think we should question them to find out what we are up against. I think I can trick one into believing I am one of them but he will have to think we are alone. Many of you know more about the situation here than I do and I want to know what information I should gather. However it may not work and then we will have to make sure he doesn't escape and raise an alarm."
Out of Character: = Nikolaos plans on casting disguise self on himself to make him appear as much like the other cultist as possible. Then casting charm person to get as much information as he can. Edited: Kingowlbear on 7th Dec, 2017 - 10:08pm