Tazskan, seeing that the cultists are not in mêlée continues with ranged attacks. He grimaces in pain as he is struck with a couple of arrows.
He will unleash three ranged attacks two from left hand, and one using his voice utterance.
He targets any available cultist in grid coordinates AI
With his lefts hand, two Eldrich blasts, then with his voice uttering invocation chill touch. Both, are Warlock cantrips.
With the latter, a ghostly skeleton hand attacks the opponent. Both, not using a spell slot.
My pseudodragon, has got my back alerting me if attacked from behind, telepathically. Edited: anronrosby on 11th Dec, 2017 - 7:07am
Out of Character: It look like I did a typo error, on my to hit for chill touch cantrip.
Should've been D20 not a D8.
Will re do the to hit roll for chill touch here.
My AC absorbed 9 points damage, leaving 7. Edited: anronrosby on 11th Dec, 2017 - 7:15am
Zarra will ready and release her next shot, hoping that they will continue to be able to drop the cultists while keeping any eye out for the vampiress. She will seek out where she might be focusing attention on the foes that could be seen.
Out of Character: Rolls for second round of combat already make, though I will also roll Perception as well just in case she might be able to see where the main foe is.
Lora and Ignazio together bring down an archer with fire and frost as Poljen cuts down another man. Tazskan kills one as well with bolts of force from an outstretched palm. The cultists press in, but are stymied somewhat as Nikolaos unleashes a sheet of flame, and Lawrance strikes down a large number with a bolt of lightning. Poljen is struck once, as is Nikolaos. Arrows leap forth once again, striking several.
Velon misses the man who charges up to him. Cratol has more luck, bringing down a lightly armored fellow who moved a little too awkwardly, while Zarra brings down another going after the monk with another well placed bolt. Velon ends up effectively surrounded, taking hits from multiple directions.
While Poppo is moving up, the doors to the dining room slam open. A thick cloud of bats stream into the hall, along with a too slim woman who leaps at Tazskan, clinging to him as she bites into his neck. The bats spread out, doing some biting of their own.
Out of Character: Cratol, Poljen, Nikolaos, Lawrance, Ignazio, and Velon take 4, 13, 15, 12, 10, and 21 damage respectively. Tazskan is grappled, and takes 8 piercing and 12 necrotic damage. In addition, Tazskan's maximum hit points are reduced by 12. He can attempt to get out of the grapple with an athletics check.
Just as Poljen thinks the battle is beginning to swing their way, the vampire emerges from the dining room and latches onto Tazskan. His instinct is to rush to help attack the vampire. But there are so many cultists (And now BATS!) he is worried the rest of the group would be swarmed over. He grits his teeth and continues to fight with sword and shield.
Out of Character: : Attacking cultist at AH-13. If he is dropped before Poljen's turn, his attack will go for the cultist at AH-11. And if by some miracle of fate, BOTH of those two are dropped prior to his turn, he will step to AG-13 and attack cultist at AF-14. Lastly, if the first attack drops an opponent, second attack following the list of target priority… and I think the time has come… since his opponents probably have Advantage already due to numbers around him, going Reckless will not have an effect. Reckless Attack it is!
Thumbs touching, Lawrence points His fingers at the flock of bats harassing him, angling upwards slightly. A cascading wave of flame shoots out in a fiery cone towards the beasts, enveloping them! Seeing Taz attacked by the hempphage, Lawrance begins a chant, preparing his next spell. .
Specific Action: burning hands trying to hit as many bats as possible.