Nikolaos seeing the vampires entrance taunts her with "I pity the ghoul that tries to take over the world then goes home crying to her dragon!"
Seeing Velon being overwhelmed he encourages him hoping to keep him standing."Stand strong my friend!"
Specific Action: Nikolaos casts Vicious Mockery DC 14
He also cast Healing Word at 2nd level
He will use his reaction to hamper the Vampire in her attack roll with cutting words. If she doesn't attack he will use it on whoever attacks him instead.
As the vampire burst into the open, Ignazio thinks to himself, Finally, I get to see what the big deal is. He winces as he sees the new meal the vampire is enjoying and then chuckles at the bards taunt. "That's the spirit!" He then whistles, summoning his shadow hound Luna directly behind the vampire. Luna bites at the evil being, trying to take it down. Meanwhile, Ignazio holds out his hands and emits waves of energy. He then retreats into the control room.
Out of Character: :
Wow, lots of action.
First, I don't know if you save your die rolls but Ignazio would have used his reaction to cast shield against the incoming fire. His account would be 22 for the round. Does that make a difference?
Second, Luna has pack tactics so rolls with advantage. If she hits the vampire must make a DC 13 Strength check or be knocked prone.
Third, Ignazio is casting banishment. The vampire needs to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw with disadvantage thanks to Luna.
Tazskan, feels searing pain in his neck as a slim Vampiress sinks her fangs into his neck.
She, is clinging on to him, he feels her icy necrotic touch. A sense of vile evil, and imminent dread fills his mind.
He, sees a vision of that great platnium dragon, Bahamut, soaring through the heavens. But then the sun turning blood red, and sky darkening.
Tazskan, tries to break free of the Vampires grapple. He also lifts up his knee, trying to kick backwards at her shins.
Amabalis, shrieks loudly as his master is struck, more as a distraction and annoyance, from behind her. Besides, his poison is useless against a Vampire.
Out of Character: I'm not sure, if you would allow the attempt to break free as a movement.
Also the kick, as an unarmed strike, so I've included both rolls here.
To my reconning, Tazskans remaining hit points is 24. I hope I don't become a Vampire Thrall?
Lora sees Velon surrounded and grinmaces." Don't worry boss." Stepping out five feet into the hallway she gestures towards a cultist fighting Velon. Once again flames drops down from the ceiling towards his head. After doing so she steps back into her same spot just inside the room.
Specific Action: She cast sacred flame at the cultist in Z14. Dexterity save D.C. Is 15. Edited: Kyrroeth on 12th Dec, 2017 - 1:03pm
Velon realizes his last miss has gotten him into a bad position and is about to disengage when he feels healing from his friends and sees their attacks on his foes. He knows he has help and should not back down. He strikes out with green flame once again, hoping to make quick work of this line before the archers take them all down.
Out of Character: . Attack on Y13 with splash damage to any around that may go down. Appreciate the help!
While the flames are still billowing outwards from his hands, burning the flying annoyances to small, bite-sized crisps, he racks his memory for hints of the best way to defeat vampires!
Specific Action: Arcana/Religion to find Vampire vulnerabilites
Out of Character: : Should have done this a long time ago.
As soon as the vampiress makes her appearance, Zarra will focus her attention on her and ignore the bats or anything else. The drow aiming her bow at the monster so as to take her shots.
Out of Character: Making two rounds of attack, though if something chances that prevents Zorra from making the second shot or causes her to take a different action, I will see what I can do in posting such.
Lawrance whispers harshly to Lora beside him "Lora, you need to keep hitting the vampire with your radiant Flames. As long as she is damaged by them, she can't heal from any damage for a bit. Otherwise, every cut will quickly disappear. Mask's power will make her vulnerable to us."