Lora and Ignazio open the door to reveal a set of stairs heading down. They soon find themselves at the head of a long hallway. There is a series of plain wooden doors on the right hand side. Ahead and to the left is a recessed area with two brightly burning braziers. They flank a massive carved stone door.
Nikolaos will spend the last of his healing energies on himself and on Velon. He then prays for guidance for whatever challenges await, while waiting in the dining room to hear what our scouts discover.
She points to the huge stone door." There it is. That's got to be our way in to the fiend's crypt." She will advance to the massive carved door. Lora will check around the door carefully for signs of a trap. Finding nothing she will begin to open the door.
Out of Character: : This post makes a few assumptions. If the Dungeon Master wishes to alter things, I stand ready.
Once Poljen has fashioned three or four stakes, he will follow the others. When he finds them by the door he shakes his head. He steps up, takes a few deep breaths, then begins to heave. Through gritted teeth he says, "Everyone! Together!"