Lora studies the scene wondering how long it will take to down this huge abomination. She glances back at the crypt door and then gestures towards the skeleton. Fire of Mask arcs down once again.
Out of Character: : Dexterity save is 15 DC.
Poppo nods to Velon when asked to stay and guard the wounded. "Aye, captain. We'll be here waiting for your return. Be careful out there!"
Once the group leaves, Poppo casts another hut spell to bar the door while he relaxes inside its protection. He keeps the scroll nearby while he waits.
When Zarra asks someone to take the mask, he says, "I can take it but Velon wanted us to stay here. These two aren't going to be much help if more cultists come to take the room and I'm not very good at a melee fight. Still, if you feel you must go, that's your choice to make. I'll guard the mask as well as the scroll."
Velon moves to stay out of the path of the giant's huge weapon, looking for another opportunity to strike and hopefully smash these bones to bit with the thunder of his strikes. He attacks once again with a magically enhanced melee strike.
Edited: Cinder on 18th Dec, 2017 - 5:19pm
More radiant flame is called down upon the skeleton as it continues its rampage. Ignazio fires as well, but misses Lawrance's familiar expresses… concern at what he is asked to do, but the bird manages to slip in under the ribcage, and climb up to where one of the chains are secured
Velon and Poljen once more strike hard, the latter managing to put a visible crack in the creature's kneecap.
The skeleton swings again, but this time only hits air.
Out of Character: Lawrance himself still has his go for the round pending.
Stepping out of easy 'sight' of the giant yet peering around the corner to observe the effect, Lawrance channels a shocking burst of energy through his link, empowering the familiar and conducting it into the chain, coffin and giant!
Specific Action: Shocking Grasp.
Velon continues his attack, flanking the giant with Poljen. He sees the shocking grasp take effect, and wonders if they could simply keep the giant at distance and let the hawk and ranged attacks do the work. For now he hopes to distract it, yelling at it mockingly "Aren't you a little small for a cloud giant?" "You must be a lesser kind of giant. Can you even hit anything with that little mallet of yours?"
Lora smirks as she hears Velon attempting to taunt a mindless undead creature. She gestures towards the behemoth skeleton again and fire arcs down.
Out of Character: : Dexterity save is D.C. 15. I went ahead and posted for 3 rounds of damage. It's pretty much her only option right now. If someone falls then she will act differently. Until then she just spams Sacred Flame.