Picking up his hawk from the scattered remains of the undead, Lawrance calls out "Let's get this coffin open, stake her down, and give her a sunburn, quickly!" Putting his familiar onto his shoulder, he brushes off the debris, the loose chains rattling as he clears it." I recommend staking her down, just in case it's a fast 'healer', before we move it. Looks damn heavy, though. "
Out of Character: : What time of day IS it, anyways? How long has it been since she went all misty?
Edited: Gknightbc on 19th Dec, 2017 - 3:56pm
Looking to Tazskan, the drow will agree with Poppo and says, "Yes, because of your injuries it may perhaps be better for you to stay. I myself have managed to avoid serious injury because of focusing on ranged attacks, and could probably offer such support again. The main thing holding me back is I had promised to guard the mask and keep it safe, though I too wish to go and fight." Zarra grows quiet.
Giving a sigh of frustration, Zarra wondering why she is allowing herself to be so ordered around. If she were to guess, it was because there was fear of losing the trust that had been given to her but even then it was difficult not to just leave. The drow is anxious, wishing to assist and knowing that though there is reason for such it bothered her to spilt the party. For her to sit here while the others risk their lives.
Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Dec, 2017 - 4:01pm
It takes a fair bit of effort, but soon enough the coffin is cleared.
A latch on the side secures the door. When opened, the vampiress, still bearing most of the wounds from the last time you saw her, lies inside. Were you not already aware of her nature, it would likely be assumed that she was simply dead.
Poljen smiles once more at Lora. He appears to be about to say something to her, than simply shakes his head and shrugs. "Thank you again, Valkyrie," he manages to croak as he slowly gets to his feet. He sees the others freeing the coffin from the collapsed giant and grabs one of the stakes he had fashioned before coming down. He totters over to the group and sees the vampire.
"Once this is done, we will carry her upstairs. If the coffin is too heavy for us, we will take just the body." He pauses, then says, "If that is the case, feel free to poke around inside after we take her out. See if you can find anything useful." Without another word he places the stake on her chest and used the back of the head of the axe to pound it into her, like a carpenter hammering home the final nail.
Edited: PaulNelson on 19th Dec, 2017 - 4:19pm
The vampiress' eyes open wide as Poljen pounds the stake in, but otherwise she doesn't move.
The coffin could be moved, but it would take a great deal of effort, especially with Poljen being so weak at present. Fortunately, the creature proves to be even lighter than she looks as she is lifted out.
There does not seem to be anything else within the coffin.
Velon sheathes his sword and gets a stake ready. He watches as Poljen takes the lead pounding his take into her. Not being an expert on vampires, he fears her waking at any moment and biting into Poljen. They cannot do another full fight against her in their current state. When the dead is done he will help Poljen carry the coffin out into the sun.
Velon activates his Divine Sense once more, expecting and hoping to feel only the weak presence he felt before and no more.
Out of Character: I'm guessing the balcony where they entered is the closest known route out to the sun, although they could perhaps explore a bit for the large double doors they had been outside of when first arriving.
Edited: Cinder on 19th Dec, 2017 - 4:35pm