Lora shakes her head." That's good in theory but I don't think it will be effective versus a dragon. It will have a breath weapon that can strike any of us. I doubt that our healing can keep up with the damage a dragon would do. In my opinion people should fight from wherever they do the most damage from. Eliminating it as quickly as possibly is the priority. That's how I feel anyways boss. I will follow your orders."
She looks at Poljen." Good luck staying close behind us. When in doubt stay back further." She winks at him. The cleric begins chanting softly. Shadows seem to ripple around her and silence cloaks her and the immediate area.
Out of Character: : She cast Pass without a trace. Plus 10 to stealth to anyone within 30 feet of her. For one hour. Just waiting now for invisibility to be cast on her to roll her stealth check. Daishain,, will invisibility grant her another bonus? She already has advantage on stealth checks.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Dec, 2017 - 7:56pm
Zarra will ready herself for the shadows and be ready to head out once everyobe else was ready.
Out of Character: Adding +10 in addition to what she already gets.
"I plan on staying close enough to the dragon to help take some of the wind out of his sails. I doubt that I will be able to make the dragon do anything he doesn't want to, so I will hurt him the best I can while doing what I can to stem the flow of wounds he will do to us. Do we have a way of keeping the dragon on the ground where we can all hurt him?"
Out of Character: A couple of fireballs followed by Aura of vitality then whatever damage I can do with spells. Also planning on using cutting words to slow damage to us.
"I think a haste spell is in order. If everyone is else is busy, I will cast it on you."
Out of Character: Not normally as focused on the speed and Dexterity save boosts, but those might help mitigate the effects of exhausted on the barbarian.
Until the spell ends, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (One weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
"Well, my dear bulky warrior, I can certainly give you something that'll make you laugh at the icy breath of the dragon, at least a little bit. It will require my concentration which will limit my usefulness, but we can play that as we go."
Out of Character: : Protection from Cold (Energy) provides resistance (Half damage).
Ignazio, pondering what encountering a dragon would be like, focuses back on the group. "I can make two of us invisible, but not three. If all three of us are going in, then perhaps we should just trust our agility and hope for the best. Whatever incantation you just used makes me feel as if I could dance on the wind."
"Regarding tactics, I am fine with the brutes advancing first and taking the blows. That makes sense to me. I am happy to aid them from a distance."
While people continue their conversations, he casually slips the magical cloak on.
Out of Character: :
I heartily agree that, if possible, it would be best to have the boss' focus on the barbarian because healing counts for so much more for him. I find monks are better at hit and run tactics. Concerning the dragon, I have the fly spell if that becomes necessary. At the present, if we want to scout the room with three people, it might be better for me to hold onto my spell slot and spell points. While we figure it out, I'll go ahead and roll for stealth.
"I can have Kathryn make the third invisible and that will not diminish my ability to fight. "
Out of Character: cast invisibility from magic item when the scouts are ready. Will follow behind Poljen as stealthy as he can.