If the drow is able to, she will discuss with Poljen more privately involving him going to see the giants. Zarra will look to him and say plainly, "I think you need at least one person, especially if things turn out badly. I'd like to offer going with you, especially since you'll need someone to activate the scroll." This is actually something she'd been considering in silence throughout the conversation, and decided to bring it up to the barbarian before talking with Velon.
Edited: Thomaslee on 22nd Jan, 2018 - 6:22pm
Poljen returns the scroll to Velon and Zarra. "I will simply have to make do. Thank you. Of course, you may all wish me luck. But fear not! The giants may see reason, and be willing to join us. If not, I will return like a scalded cat., ."
He and his guide ready their mounts. He tells the guide, "I think we'd best climb above the clouds first, to see if the settlement is up that high. If so, we fly lazy circles as we come closer. I want them to see us, and understand we are not a threat. We shall land as far from there as possible while staying in their view. If the settlement is inside the clouds, we shall drop down once more and land just at the cloud-line. I will head up alone. You will remain with the mounts until I return, or you are attacked. If I am not back in a day, you are free to leave and come back to this castle."
Out of Character: : Totally understand about the scroll. That's why I mentioned not being sure about it. And Poljen really wants to do this alone. One of his motivations is he looks upon his friends as if needs to take care of them. Doing this alone is one way to do it. If this were an offensive incursion of some form, he'd be begging everyone to come along…
When Tazskan gets a chance, he will ask Cratol to show him the new ballista's.
"Baron Cratol, if you need a Captain of the watch, I avail myself for such a task", he says.
"As I recall, someone suggested the main party members, could take turns in this duty," he adds.
Lia smiles at Cratol." Baron Cratol is it now? You have come up far in the world. I'm proud of you."
She will excuse herself to find a suitable room to call her own. Lia will be very thorough in finding the best room still available. Once she has decided upon the room then she will arrange it to her liking. She will hope to find one set up for a lady.
She will call out to the barbarian as he takes flight." May Sune watch over you Poljen. Good luck in your endeavor and I hope to see you soon." She will watch him as far as she can pick him out.
Cratol shows Tazskan the ballista and tell him there is still one to be delivered in two days at the spot the castle was in before. Thus we will have three. "Having you be the watch commander sounds like a good posting. You can see to the guards being hired and their training. This training should include operation of the ballista too."
Turning to Lia. He bows his head in a polite nod and says, "I never thought a homeless abandoned babe like I was would be a Baron. Granted I am not totally a Baron yet but I am as close as I can be until I reach my 21st birthday."
"During your purchase of the ballista, did you happen to get pricing on converting the Giant's long bow into a fourth missile weapon? That would be our keystone defense for expected flying company."
Enjoying a meal prepared by their new staff, Lawrance discusses the events of the days past, and the city's hidden depths.
The castle is brought to a halt near lake woe mountain, and the two gryphon riders depart.
As they approach, the mountain's shattered peak shows it to be a volcano, long defunct. Multiple buildings have been constructed in the caldera, long structures with a high ridgeline. It is difficult to discern from here, but it looks like every inch of those buildings have been carved in some manner.
Several large figures stand watch. As Poljen approaches and the guide peels off, one of them waves a javelin to get the barbarian's attention, then points towards an open space in which he can land.
It also happens to be surrounded by several of the watchmen. Poljen gets the impression this is not a suggestion, he will land there, he will leave, or things will get unpleasant.
Out of Character: For architecture, think old nordic longhouses, but cleaner, sturdier, and more grand.