Velon sees more of the giants return and has a sudden uneasy feeling in his stomach. "Do not fire unless they attack! Everyone else, take cover inside and be ready!"
As the giant lands Velon stays 10 feet outside the door to see what they are hear to do. He hears the words of the first giant and then is surprised at the appearance of the second, some type of priest or something of the sort. He gestures to his friends to join him outside if they like, and makes a hand gesture with his arm out and palm down, slowly lowering his arm, to suggest they lower any weapons they have at the ready.
"Greetings, I am Velon of the Silver Blaze and servant of Bahamut. We came with Poljen seeking the friendship of your people and wish to cause you no trouble. Well will not interfere. What is it you wish to confirm? We will help, if we can."
Magna seems amused by this, "Did Uundvik the bard really persuade Asmodeus to release the soul of his love by the beauty of his voice alone? Did Jadnar the strong truly throw a mountain to defeat the world eater? Our tales are told to inspire young ones, more so than to inform. Tell your tale as you would to your promising young grandchildren. So long as the heart of the truth is there, it is enough.
"Poljen is most honorable. Whatever he told you, you will find it to be true. We will not interfere, and will aid you if you ask."
Velon says to his companions "Let's hope he didn't embellish too much, eh?" More seriously, he adds "We guard the control room at all costs, else they send us all crashing to our doom." "I for one believe them, however, and am quite curious to see this!"
Velon does not move until the giants do, and will follow them keeping the same distance. If they descend into the crypts he will hesitate to go to where their dead lay in rest, however.
Lia eyes the giants with caution. She will stand beside Velon at his invitation. The cleric will smile at them but make no threatening moves at all." Poljen embellish? That would never happen. We are all doomed." She smiles at this.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Jan, 2018 - 9:22pm
Lawrance cranes his neck to study the giants as they move around the castle, following with Velon & Lia at a respectful distance. Triggering his comprehend languages from within the Ring, he watches and listens, learning as he goes, silent.
Specific Action: Stored Comprehend Languages, reading lips as needed. Softly translating for the rest.
The shaman starts up a low chant as he assembles things in a small brazier. He is still chanting as he lights it and a candle, then stands. Ghostly images start to form around him. There is no sound, just images, and a sense of emotion radiating from certain images as the ghosts move around, fading in and out of existence. You get the impression they are acting out scenes from the past.
You can sense joy and love emanating from a giant couple surrounded by others, a ceremony of some sort, a wedding. Pain and fear from others dragged into the courtyard by human sized figures. Several of the victims are clinging in pairs, Dvati perhaps? A trio of men also radiate fear as they take wyverns from the stable and flee to the east.
Accompanied by the warrior that landed first, the shaman moves into the throne room. Most of the images here are of the royal couple holding court, though a battle plays out between two giants and twenty times their number in human sized opponents.
In the dining room, you see a large number of giants around the table, you can sense confusion and fear as nearly all of them drop what they were eating and begin to choke. Men spill into the room with long polearms and begin attacking the poisoned giants. They take heavy losses, but one by one, the giants drop, and fade out of the scene.
Much the same can be seen throughout the castle, some giants were in a position to fight back, but most never got the chance. You once again see your fight against Rezmir, and with Sandesyl.
Clearest of all is your fight with Glazhael in his lair below. The dragon's image reeks of arrogance and anger, contrasting sharply with the emotions associated with Zarra's ressurection at Elia's claws
Eventually, the shaman is done, and returns to the courtyard.
"We are satisfied that the claims of your compatriot bear the heart of truth. You all are invited to take part in tonight's feast, our skalds will wish to hear of your tales if nothing else."
Edited: daishain on 25th Jan, 2018 - 1:23am