Poljen steps up to the double doors and lays a palm on one, simply testing the temperature. Being metal he is expecting it to be somewhat cool, but if there is fire behind it, or water, he expects there will be a noticeable feel to the temperature.
When Zarra appears he gestures to all the doors. "Zarra, you and Mari should examine these things, please."
Edited: PaulNelson on 9th Feb, 2018 - 10:38pm
"Anyone else want to go with me into the "SAFE" room?" Perry asks. "Maybe they left some clues in there on where they went?"
Out of Character: Perry will go into the room that used to be labeled SAFE as long as some folks come with him and use the Help action to give advantage to anyone who is actually skilled at perception or investigation once we're in there.
Tazskan, follows the others lead entering the large antichamber. "Looks like we are going in," he whispers.
Thanks to Amabalis, being Tazskans eyes, he follows the others into the large antichamber. After seeing and hearing a large statue saying halt.
Then identifying itself as Diderius, asks Tazskan, if he seeks wisdom or knowledge.
Tazskan, then answers the statues question.
"I seek, wisdom," he says answering it.
Out of Character: before I go any further, will make the required INT save first. Dai, is there illumination of any kind inside here, Or am I still reliant on pseudodragons eyes?
Perry opens the door to find a fair sized room with a well in the center. A bronze bucket sits near the well, and there's a basin in the northern wall that appears to feed a sluice that disappears into the stone work. Looking down into the well shows it to still be active.
Two carts full of supplies, two mules, a number of bedrolls, and various other items are here. It looks like the cult is camping in here, though they themselves are nowhere in sight.
The room only appears to have the one entrance, discounting the inches high sluice and wherever the well water seeps from.
Out of Character: Taz has plenty of light to see by. I'll mention it if that changes.
Edited: daishain on 9th Feb, 2018 - 11:28pm
Lia looks at the others working. She walks over to the warped doors that Poljen is standing by." Fear not if water is behind one of these doors. I have some control over water today." She smiles.
Mari nods at Poljen and begins working carefully with Zarra to check all the doors. She will use all of her skill to check for traps and to listen for what is behind the doors.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Feb, 2018 - 12:07am
Tazskan, crosses the room not looking at the statues, almost with head bowed.
Entering the large domed room, seeing one large pair of copper cladded large doors, and two other wooden doors.
He notes that Perry has entered, opened one of the doors.
Also entering the room he notes the room has a well in the centre, plus its still active.
"An underground water supply,"? He says.
He, heads back out noting there is one other wooden door entry. He will try to gain some understanding out of the significance of the copper clad door, corrosion, and supply of nearby water.
Out of Character: As Tazskan, initiated a similar response to Cratol, I can assume he is now brought up to date with the others now, positionally. He will roll intelligence, check now.