Zarra will seek to hide herself as she prepares for battle against less then normal foes. The drow will also seek help identify that before her. Once able to, she will make her way into the room hidden.
Specific Action: Starting position for battle will be M21. Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Feb, 2018 - 2:04am
Cratol heads for the corner and strikes out at one of the specters there, while Poljen charges forward to do the same with one of the wraiths threatening Mari. With bolt and rapier, Zarra and Mari strike out at the same target, dissipating some of its essence before the latter retreats to relative safety.
Lia casts a spell to bolster her allies as Velon steps up beside his burly companion to strike it as well with a hammer wreathed in verdant flame. Perry steps up, and strums a discordant note, causing the misty creature to shriek and flee. Velon and Poljen strike out after the figure, though only the latter hits home. Lawrance adds insult to injury with a bolt of incredibly bright light.
The wraiths turn and strike out at the two warriors before them. Poljen twists away, but Velon is touched, his flesh withering a bit as vitality is sapped from him.
Nikolaos calls down Radiant light on the wounded wraith, but it manages to avoid the effect. Some of the specters surround Cratol, but one attempts to strike at Velon. Cratol is hit, but Velon avoids it. Tazskan and Poppo release bolts of fire and force, though only the former hits.
Out of Character: Velon takes 22 damage, and needs to make a DC 14 Con save or his maximum HP will be reduced by the same amount. Cratol takes 13 damage, and needs to make a DC 10 Con save or his maximum HP will be reduced by the same amount. Initiative order, I presume Perry's delaying to pull off his Dissonant Whisper's trick properly. Cratol, Zarra, Poljen, Lia, Mari, Velon, Perry, Lawrance, Wraiths, Nikolaos, Specters, Tazskan, Poppo.
Poljen can feel the Battle Madness surging through his veins, but is able to discern when Lia once more puts a blessing upon him. He grins and continues to do his best to destroy the creatures in front of him and Velon.
Out of Character: : Velon, don't forget your Bless for your Save!
Tazskan, takes a side step to K23, inside room. With right hand draws out his +2 rod of pact keeper, from its leather holster. With his left hand, he sends out two crackling green beams of eldritch blast.
Both beams, are aimed at the specter facing Cratol, at J18.
Out of Character: If that one already taken down, will focus beams on specter at I18.
Velon winces as he takes a hit and can feel his flesh whither away. He grits his teeth and strikes out again at his original target. Seeing that the targets have separated now, he will opt for striking with booming energy this time around rather than his favored green flame attack. "I'll never hear the end of this one if I still allow myself to get hit again" he thinks to himself.
Out of Character: . Hopefully Booming Blade will be triggered if the wraith keeps moving around. That -maxHP effect is nasty. Hopefully Velon's cloak can protect him or Lia will have something to say after this one!
Lia grimaces as Velon is struck soundly. She knows that they must remove some of these enemies quickly. Lia steps past her companions and into the corner of the room. She nocks an arrow and the bow whispers to her in elvish, "Swift defeat to my enemies." Smiling grimly she concentrates and prays to Sune as she releases the arrow.
Mari moves up quickly behind Poljen and Velon. She will be in position to aid her two companions next turn.
Specific Action: Lia moves to K25. She will target the Spectre in I18. Lia will be using her sharp shooter feat's power shot for +10 damage. Her attacks now do an extra D8 radiant damage.
Mari will move to H22 in preparation for flanking next turn. Edited: Kyrroeth on 13th Feb, 2018 - 3:05pm