"If Diderius is what seems to be suggested, this may well be more difficult then any of our past battles," Zarra will say with concern, as well already thinking back what she may know such undead, "Pretty much one the most dangerous and powerful undead one could possibly face, far past even vampires." The drow will also consider the other information given, working to see what she may recall.
Lia stands back and watches the negotiations. While it is distasteful to deal with the devils in any way, sacrifices must sometimes be made to stop Tiamat from ruling the world. Hearing Zarra voicing concerns about the difficulty of their target causes a frown to mar her face." Zarra, this will be a difficult task. Do not doubt that we will succeed however. We are thrice blessed and will not be stopped in our task."
Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Feb, 2018 - 1:19pm
The devil grins toothily, "I never said he would try to kill you. I asked if an assurance that he would might help you decide. He might try to kill you, he might not, quite insane as I've already stated. But I don't know what, if any, of his former power remains."
In response to the question about the venison, he asks, "Isn't this cow? Nevermind. Some of the people who came through here with the dwarf had it."
"It may indeed prove to be more difficult, than our past battles. But now a contract has been signed, and now a new battle, is ensured," Tazskan answers Zarra.
"Oh, and where exactly is diderious scrying pools location, I do believe Perry asked," Tazskan addresses the Devils.
Edited: anronrosby on 18th Feb, 2018 - 3:03pm
Out of Character: The purpose of the Arcana roll was to determine if not only was Diderius actually a lich, but to also see what Zarra might know more detail about such undead. Counting weaknesses perhaps or any information which might help in battle.
Presuming the word used is correct, then Diderius is not a lich, at least not of the type most think of.
Zarra recalls that the term deathless is reserved for a rare class of undead that are anchored by radiant energy rather than necrotic. They're tougher to distinguish from living beings in many respects than "Normal" undead, and are not as resilient for much the same reason, possessing most of the same strengths and weaknesses they did in life.
They're also considerably more rare, not least because handling that much radiant energy has a tendency to make people explode, and far fewer good aligned deities are willing to lend support to such projects than their counterparts.
Perhaps the most common deathless are found among the surface elves. Larger communities will often have a few ancestor guardians, sages and warriors whose wisdom and skills are preserved beyond their natural lifespan for the sake of later generations.
Edited: daishain on 18th Feb, 2018 - 6:44pm
Poljen has been standing back as the negotiations went on, then the questioning began. His usual grin slowly replaced by a neutral look, then a brooding one. He finally says, almost scowling, "We, well, you Perry, will have a month to deal with this strange undead. And rest assured we will help. But we must focus on our mission. How long ago did the dwarf leave? How many people did he have with them? What sorts of weapons, armor, capabilities do these devils know of? Do they know what sorts of magic they wield? Anything they can tell us might be useful, even critical."