Lia whirls in the direction of the booming voice. Seeing Perry stumbling back, she frowns in great concern. Hefting her bow, she prepares for conflict. She steps towards the door that Perry opened.
Mari nods at Taz's suggestion." I like your idea Taz. Its pretty much the only option that we have left here that I know of." The booming voice startles the young rogue. She turns on the ball of her feet toward the possible danger.
Poppo flinches as the voice booms while he was concentrating on identifying items. "Wow, that was really loud. I think we better watch out for anything coming from that hole in the library. I think there are more of these guys," he says gesturing to the dead yuan-ti.
Once he finishes identifying items he will do as asked by Lawrance and think about what he knows about divination magic.
Velon quickly raises a hand after the loud voice speaks, hoping everyone will see it and remain quiet. He looks at Perry in earnest with wide eyes and a sideways nod of the head. In Perry's mind he hears Velon's voice say "Well then, you might as well answer him, then." "Remember, be 'respectful'."
Velon begins to move over towards Perry to help protect him from any new threats. On the way he glances at the doors they entered through, and will wave a hand at his friends to shut them if they are still open.
Along the way he hears Tazskan ask what the fuss is about and who the owner of the place is. The paladin stops dead in his tracks, turns his head to look at Tazskan and then looks at the floor. He takes one hand off of his war hammer and the head of it hits the ground with a thud as he buries his face in the gauntleted palm of his now free hand. Anyone near him can hear a low groan. Velon slowly removes his hand from his face but rubs his temples with a finger and a thumb as if he has a headache. He speaks aloud for all to hear while still staring at the floor and rubbing his forehead. "Diderius. The one they spoke of when we entered. The one who's bedroom we searched. The divination wizard who the devils told us owns this place, summoned them, and tried to extend his life unnaturally. The one we've been talking about since we first set foot in this place!"
The Paladin drags his hammer over and stands next to Perry, looking more defeated than after any battle they've fought. He looks Perry in the eyes and shakes his head. "I hope you're gathering some good stories for your songs, my friend, but the wit and cunning of the Silver Blaze will not be among them, surely." He looks away, still shaking his head, and peers into the next room where the voice came from.
Edited: Cinder on 21st Feb, 2018 - 3:22pm
Perry will cover his mouth after Velon’s tirade, doing his best not to laugh as tears well up in his eyes. He walks over and grabs the magic mace, “I’ll take this if no one wants it. It might be useful in the near future.” As he grabs it, dark energy swirls around the mace before settling and disappearing. He places his rapier into his bag and places the mace at his hip in its place.
Then, Perry takes a moment to fix his hair and make himself presentable before entering Diderius’ room. Upon entering, Perry will say, “Oh great and powerful Diderius! Of course you know that we seek a dwarven man named Varram. We humbly ask for your aid in locating him. Also, your establishment here is quite lovely. I love what you’ve done with the place these last thousand years!”
Out of Character: I don’t think anyone needs the mace, but if you do, Perry will hand it over. I mainly want it to bypass resistance to non-magical weapons shenanigans.
Startled by the booming voice at first, Lawrance's eye's narrow as the voice continues in it's subdued tone. Thinking how this Diderius is certainly addled at least, he prepares to support Perry however he can. A little perturbed by Perry's nonchalance at what he's draw the attention of, he thinks about ways of ending this kind of undead condition. At Taz's queries, he sighs, head down, wondering if his own absent mindedness is contagious.
Edited: Gknightbc on 21st Feb, 2018 - 3:49pm
Tazskan, heads over to the doorway ignoring Velons outburst. But, he looks, back into the pool room, unsheathes his sword. Expecting possible company coming from behind, soon.
Perry enters what appears to have been a mage's laboratory. Workbenches are strewn about with various strange items, bookshelves filled with tomes and scrolls.
Unfortunately, it looks as if some manner of arcane explosion went off in here. Most of what you see has been destroyed or damaged.
Nearer the door is an altar of sorts. On it lies a man. Old and wizened, he wears the tattered remnants of a robe that has all but rotted away, leaving most of his body exposed.
He looks very much alive, if nearing a geriatric stage in life, save for one easily noticeable detail. A hole has been carved in his chest, and the hollow where his heart should be is empty. The organ in question is spotted easily enough, it sits on the same altar near his head, still beating within a sphere of faintly glowing crystal.
From where he lies on his back Diderius calls out in response to Perry, "Varram? Who's Varram? Why not the horn? It blows so loud. Oh, you don't know yet. They don't know!" The man breaks down into a fit of high pitched giggling.
Edited: daishain on 21st Feb, 2018 - 4:04pm
Perry gives Velon a brief glance, clearly indicating that this may be a difficult conversation. “Yes of course, the horn! Remind us, oh great Diderius, what is this horn?”
Perry seems to be going with the flow of the conversation until he figures out what in the Nine Hells this old man is going on about.