“Oh, oh, yes that’s a great idea! It reminds of my time with Rimple’s Circus Troupe! One time, we had a guy named Oliver doing the high wire and we had to improvise making the wire because the real one broke you see, so we used some rope and…”
Suddenly, Perry recalls that Oliver fell in a terrible accident due to the rope not being tied well enough and was grievously injured. His recovery took over six months.
“Uhm, just be careful with the knots!” Perry says, calling from above.
Velon shrugs his shoulders as if to say "Hey, sure, why not" and unties his rope from his pack and adds it to the pile with Poljen's. "Who's good with knots?"
Seeing Cratol safely across without anything on the other side causing him harm, the big man in plate takes his turn on the broom and flies over to land next to the dextrous monk.
Tazskan, agrees with Velon's idea about calling up Ambalis, his psuedodragon to scout ahead. Send's him up ahead.
Meanwhile, waits at base of tunnel. Then Mari rushe's out, and says its ok to come.
Perry will fly around the bridge and loop around both sides with the ropes from Poljen and Velon and tie knots to create a sort of harness that others can use to stabilize themselves on the bridge.
"That should do the trick," Perry says.
Perry flies under the bridge in order to make a loop, but he spots large serpentine forms somehow clinging to the bottom of said bridge.
He speeds past them, but one reaches out to grab and pull on the rope trailing behind the tiefling. Whether the attempt to topple the winged bard suceeds or not, a call goes out, and the door Mari is working on opens, she and Cratol are hit as the yuanti malisons in the room beyond open fire with powerful looking shortbows.
A pair of Yuanti Abominations, apparently unperturbed by the slick surface, climb up to the bridge and ready shields and swords.
Out of Character: Cratol gets hit once with an arrow for 11 damage. Perry gets a Dexterity save to let go of the rope in time and avoid being yanked out of the air. Alternatively, he can try a Strength save to turn the tables on the guy trying to ruin his day and pull him from his spot in turn. Hint, one of those is easier.
Edited: daishain on 24th Feb, 2018 - 6:13am
Perry lets out a yelp as soon as he sees the snake people. "Snakes! Under the bridge!" Perry yells to the others, hoping to get their attention to prepare for a fight.
As the Yuanti grabs his rope, Perry attempts to let go of the rope in time.
Out of Character: I assume this is also the time when we should roll for initiative!