Frustrated at the tenacity of these serpentine guardians. Nikolaos decides for a change in tactics. He walks to the edge of the chasm to give himself enough room for his spell.
He sings a magical incantation, and starts to transform in front of everyone's eyes. Course dark fur replaces his armor and clothes and he stretches into an enormous size. With a primal yell he reveals his new form of a giant ape!
Climbing across the wall he confronts the monster on the near side of the bridge swinging a huge fist to crush it into the side of the pit and then attempts to fling it down to it's doom below.
Out of Character: sorry I missed the last round of actions. 100%my fault. I wrote two actions worth of stuff for this post to make up for it. If I can only take one rounds worth I absolutely understand, and there are no hard feelings. I will try to make a post about my schedule later today.
Specific Action: round 1 moving to edge of chasm to cast pollymorph turning self into a giant ape
Round 2 moving to engage enemy at au46 making one fist attack and a shove attempt to throw him off the wall to take fall damage.
Velon whirls around to see one of their opponents flee around a corner and out of sight. He begins to take a step in that direction, knowing he could catch the creature in a flash while magically enhanced, but decides it is unwise. Speed is not the issue, but rather the recklessness of sprinting through this place when he and Cratol are already many paces out ahead of their companions in a different room.
The paladin looks over his shoulder to see Cratol finishing off one he himself had already struck and knows the talented monk has it covered. He calls out "Well done, let's fall back!" Velon turns and sprints at lightning speed back towards the bridge, a sight to be seen of the large man for sure. He passed by Mari and stops at the edge, quickly surveying the scene. He sees Perry flying, Nikoloas transforming into an ape, and, above all else, Tazskan flying through the air!
Out of the corner of his left eye Velon spots one of their scaly enemies right next to him, and swings his hasted war hammer twice at it, thunderous energy pummeling the creature.
Out of Character: ... If he hits, that is. I don't recall the exact description or which creature this is, so if the one at AV-52 is too high or low on the wall Velon will opt for a firebolt instead. I'll roll that for good measure as a backup option.
Seeing that both Cratol and Velon have the last Yuan-ti in hand, Lawrance moves with alacrity to the end of the bridge. With a few muttered words, and a specific hand gesture, he sends a dark bolt into the body of the clinging abomination, trying to dislodge it.
Specific Action: move to visual sight of far YuanTi and fire necrotic bolt at the part of its body that holds It to the wall. With disadvantage.
Out of Character: I'm rerolling my attack here as Daishain requested in the Q&A thread. Also, regarding Velon's movement, he can Dash using his hasted Attack to move up to 120 feet. He can't post at the moment, he's currently Dungeon Master'ing, but that's what he wants to do.
Zarra will move and take aim at any opponants within range, with focus on those engaged with the drow's allies. The strangeness of the growing situation, of flying and transformation, being quite the sight. She will move to the shadows and out of sight, so as to gain advantage and sneak attack with her bow.
Out of Character: Two rounds of ranged attack, advantage by stealthing, doing so as long as Zarra can find partial cover, and sneak attacking closing foes currently engaged with allies.
Cratol steps up and brings down the last malison in the room with a series of harsh blows. He can see the one who fled disappearing around a corner to the south.
Lia fires at one of the abominations and misses, Perry has a bit more luck. Meanwhile Tazskan pulls back from the battle and neutralizes the poison still flowing through his veins with a surge of radiance directed within.
Lawrance directs a shot to the lower portion of the nearby Yuanti, it rears up a bit, and starts avoiding putting the damaged portion of its body onto the wall, but does not fall. At this point, Lawrance notices that the creature doesn't seem to be really acting as if climbing on a vertical surface. Snakes are good climbers, but not that good… It looks like these two are using magic to treat the wall as if it were the floor.
Nikolaos for his part decides to climb out to meet the other abomination, in the form of an ape. With one big fist he clocks the creature, and then shoves it away from the wall. He finds much the same thing as Lawrance. He forces most of the creature's body away from the wall, it just looks at him and gathers itself back onto it.
An axe flies past Nikolaos, missing the abomination, but strikes true the second time Poljen throws it. Zarra leans out to hit as well.
Velon, meanwhile, runs back towards the cavern and stands at the edge of the bridge. The abomination below is out of his reach, so he stands at the ready.
One abomination strikes out at Nikolaos, biting deep, but his ape form is just nimble enough to avoid being caught in its coils.
The other one looks up at the warrior waiting for it. Velon hears a sibilant whispering in his mind. "Come here and strike me down with the weapon in your hand."
Out of Character: Nikolaos takes 11 damage, and needs to make a Con save. Velon needs to make a DC 15 Will save, or be compelled to spend his actions doing as the voice asks starting next turn. If V fails the save, an arcana check on Perry's part might give him a hint about what's going on in time to do something.
Edited: daishain on 1st Mar, 2018 - 4:01pm
Mari looks wide eyed at Perry and Taz landing by her. She tries to say something but her mouth doesn't move. Seeing the abomination right below her she leans over the edge and looses an arrow at it.
Lia shakes her head in irritation at the missed shot. She takes careful aim again and another glowing arrow races towards the enemy in front of Poljen.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Mar, 2018 - 4:23pm