Tazskan, cannot see anything now as the abomination snake creature has retreated from his sight.
He calls upon Amabalis, his psuedodragon, to circle this cavern area, that they are in. To search it out for life, using his senses. But avoid contact with any of the creatures.
Specific Action: The psuedodragon will circle the entire cavern area, 60 feet from the base, forming a complete circle. Not coming any closer than 20 feet of any snake creature spotted. Tazskan, should be able to see any living creature, crawling around the base, through Amabalis eyes. Using its darkvision, and passive perception.
Lia looks with dismay at Velon as he walks off the bridge. She calls out, "Velon, no!". Her heart sinks as he drops over the edge. The fear in her turns to relief as she sees him float." That's enough of this." Setting astride her broom she flies across the bridge and lands where Velon departed from. She leans over the edge and let's loose an arrow with anger.
Mari takes careful aim and targets the abomination below her again. Her blue eyes are focused on the enemy.
Specific Action: Lia flies and lands at AW52 and then shoots her bow.
Velon floats out into empty space, slowly rotating between right side up and up side down. He squints a bit and shakes his head, gathering himself after the magical suggestion that had fogged his mind. As he rotates and his head clears, he looks at Lia from an upside down position. His long red hair hangs awkwardly, as does his silence stone necklace as it clings to his neck and beard. Seeing Lia, his expression changes from panic to a wide grin. Now he just looks like the jovial fool she knows, rather than the one previously possessed by magic.
As Velon continues to rotate his eyes leave Lia and he peers down into the cavern. He sees the abomination and takes aim, releasing another firebolt at this resilient foe while wearing a mad grin on his face.
Nikolaos stops descending, and starts flying up, away from the many serpentine forms. A few moments later, Poppo's fireball detonates at the bottom of the cavern, enveloping the remaining abomination and several of the young. With an odd sound, the abomination falls to the bottom, succumbing to the heat.
A few moments later, and the chamber is quiet again.
Peering down into the darkness, amid the smoke and smoldering bodies, Lawrance checks to see what remains of any threat. Seeing nothing of note, he notifies the rest of the group, and then says "Okay, shall we proceed further on, or do we need to rest up for a bit? Any Yuan-ti remaining?" He then begins carefully searching the area of the battle-room, both the bodies and the features of the room itself. While he does so, he comments on the history of the Yuan-ti and their typical methods of concealment in their dens.
Specific Action: Investigation for myself, plus History add for the next person to search (+3 if successful).
Out of Character: Daishain, still looking for a ruling on that gem +1 thing-a-ma-jig.
Perry flies over to the stranded floating Velon and dangles the rope for him. He pulls him through the air majestically, like an eagle dragging an adamantine balloon. After getting Velon back to the relative safety of the hallway, Perry lowers him to floating just five feet above the ground. Perry stares blankly for a moment at the upside-down Velon. Several seconds pass.
Perry covers his mouth and tries really, really hard not to laugh too loudly, but the sight is just too much. “This is amazing. You are amazing,” Perry says while laughing hysterically, tears in his eyes.
Edited: seath on 2nd Mar, 2018 - 11:44pm