"The line between courage and stupidity is thin. I think I know which side of the line I was on just now."
Once he is sure that things are safe and quiet at the bottom of the pit, Nikolaos will search for anything interesting.
Out of Character: what rooms have we seen that the nearly instant fortress would fit in?
Poljen does not see any signs of movement or trouble as he dashes to the next corner.
The room the malisons had been in seems to be a meditation/prayer chamber. It is dominated by a massive statue of a coiled serpent.
Out of Character: So far, pretty much only the room you're in, and the throne room a fair bit back will contain the fortress.
Poljen feels his madness slip away. With no further enemies in sight, he pants and gasps, huge breaths in and out. Part of him wants to go deeper in the tunnels, find more opponents, but he waits for his comrades to join him. He calls out softly, "I'll stay here, make sure no one tries to attack us."
Tazskan, crosses the bridge again and heads for the statue room, joining up with the others.
After, seeing the rest of the snake creatures consumed by a fireball.
"Perry, or Lia I may need an assist in case I slip," he calls out.