Zarra will have made her way down towards the others, looking around with them but keeping quiet. The drow will see to unlocking the doors with Mari, so they could all move forward.
Tazskan, joins up with the others behind the closed iron door. Watching Zarra work her magic, openning it.
"Well done, now what do we have here," He says, noticing a constant shift, and ripple with the walls in the corridor.
"I'm worried about another ambush like we just fell prey to. Do we have the time to spare me 10 minutes of prayer?"
Out of Character: I think if I had detect poison active when crossing the bridge that would have gone better.
Lia shakes her head at the sight of Perry and his balloon. Her frown turns to a smile as she beams at the two." Thank you Perry. You saved his life. It was very entertaining as well. I've never seen anything like that before."
Mari assists Zarra with the scouting. She stares down the hallway intently trying to make sense of it.
Lia studies the hallway with a discerning look. She hopes to see any possible trap ahead.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Mar, 2018 - 2:29pm