The rangy mountain man silently beckons others forward, and decides to take the lead this time. If there is trouble, he will suffer it first. He opens the door and moves in, ready to fight, or deal with a trap or magic effect as best he can. {Let the enemy focus on me, while my friends close in} he thinks, grinning as he opens the door.
Zarra, if the information is shared that there is an illusion in place upon the corridor by the one using detect magic, the drow will seek to try and disbelieve the illusion to see what happens.
If this information isn't relayed, or she wouldn't be able to disbelieve, then she will simply scout ahead with Mari to make sure there is no threats ahead. This, while making sure to keep to the shadows as much as possible once everyone agrees to move forward.
Out of Character: Not sure if a roll is needed to disbelieve illusions, but I will roll Insight to do such unless told otherwise.
Going through the motions of another ritual casting, Lawrence spends the time to do a detect magic, using the time it is active to scan all the various objects, weapons and such. Especially the gems Perry has pocketed. Any knowledge he discovers during this effort he relays in detail to any one who listens.
Edited: Gknightbc on 5th Mar, 2018 - 12:01am
Poppo looks around the statue room and keeps an eye on the other hallway while the scouts move ahead. When everyone is prompted to move ahead he takes his place in the marching order and moves on. "Are we sure we want to chase after this guy? Maybe he's trying to lure us away from our objective and into a trap."
Tazskan, hears Lia offering some healing.
"Sure, I could do with some healing, from the acid damage," Tazskan answering her.