Lawrance grimaces as the cold permeates the room, continuing his spell casting in spite of the chill. Peering through the darkness at the location of his lightning bolts target, he uses his innate accuracy to try and fry the shaded form, and hopes his Storm damages the Naga and breaks its concentration.
Feeling the cold bite into his skin and seeing the shadows around him, Velon simply thinks "Damn naga voodo!" and launches himself into action. He ponders going for the big snake itself to grapple it and try to stop its spells, but remembers he doesn't have the silence stone now after just having given it to Poljen for this purpose. He also sees a storm complete with bolts of lightening erupt out of nowhere in front of him and hopes that is enough to distract the large naga and abominations, breaking their concentration on their magic.
The paladin tries to yell over the noise of the sphere. "Dispel it! Silence it! Counter it! Do your magic… stuff! Perry! Niko! Poppo!" He searches out a target where he saw one before, moving towards the Yaun-ti to his left (T70). Along the way he casts Haste on himself and as he arrives he strikes at the snake creature with the extra speed the spell provides.
*If Velon is attacked in melee by abominations before his turn, he'll do basically the same thing but simply focus his melee strike on the abomination rather than risk an AoO by moving away.*
Out of Character: Moving to T69. Sorry Paul, I'd haste both of our characters but it's expensive and, more importantly, if Velon loses concentration we're both stunned for a round. That seems like too high a cost for now until we see how this begins to play out. Velon could get hit several times this round depending on what the abominations do, never mind the turn by turn cold damage. Using Channel Divinity here to boost attack rolls.
AC=24 with haste up.
Specific Action: Nikolaos will cast dispell magic to help clear up the mess unless it's done before hand then he will use the fireball as previously stated.
Tazskan, feels the cold fill the room, and his vison is getting obscured.
Out of Character: will make a con save before doing anything else.
Poppo feels the air chill around him and sees his breath puff out into the air. Shaking his head, he refocuses his attention and launches his fireball at the yuan-ti he was originally focused on hoping it doesn't move before he gets his shot off.
Out of Character: : Fireball still in the same place. Rolling arcana check and con save.