Cratol does not care if we go after the Horn or the green mask. Either one is going to be interesting and a worthy fight for us. He just hopes that all goes well and we all make it through safely. The more we fight and hurt this cult the more likely they are going to find a way to hurt us.
Lawrance takes the time to put the spell into memory, then casts it at an appropriate time for the group. "This spell requires being prepared with it, which I normally won't be. It requires a significant magic force that I'd normally have for better purposes. We just need to plan when we want to 'meet' with Mr. Creel."
Out of Character: Does Cratol actually say any of that, or is that an internal dialogue?
Edited: Gknightbc on 19th May, 2018 - 4:17pm
The scout squirms, "No, no, nuttin' like dat, he doesn't get his hands dirty. Bodun's a middleman. Hands out jobs from othuh people out, along wit' de pay, takes his cut out of de lattuh. Whoevuh ackshully wants de job done gets tuh keep his name out of it. A lot of de time, its somemmoichant hopin' tuh get a competitawh's stawh smashed up. Good luck gettin' anythin' out of him, he hasn't stayed in dat job by givin' up his clientel's personal details."
"I doan know where tuh find him, but I can give yuh de deaddrop we use"
The scout gives directions to a loose stone in a curtain wall where money and written messages would apparently be exchanged.
Tazskan, listens with interest to the ghostly image of Mr Creel.
"Hmm, Tiamat not being the only major threat arround here," thats interesting he muses.
Later, he look's at Lawrence. "I'm impressed, Lawrence," he says.
"Thank you, Mr Creel. Another major threat, you say? Mind telling us what that might be? Hard not to be curious. Perhaps it's something we should be on the lookout for, as well."
Otherwise Velon will politely end the conversation saying it was nice to 'meet' Mr. Creel finally and that he looks forward to their joint efforts going forward. They will contact him with any major new news and he hopes Mr Creel will do the same.
Mr. Creel states, "Some madwoman in Emmech is trying to create a transformative and communicable disease, capable of turning men into monsters under her control. So far, she seems limited to turning those she has kidnapped, but we have reason to think she's working on a plague to turn entire cities." The man gives a sardonic smile, "There's also a trio of liches that banded together recently to unknown purpose, but we already sicced the Order of the Gauntlet on them. Villains don't stop plotting just because they have competition you know."
Shortly after the conversation, and then Morgaine's initiation, the castle lifts off and proceeds north.
The fabled high forest is a massive region of old growth woods, its land and inhabitants a relic of days long past, when giants, elves, and dragons ruled the earth, not men.
Lia remembers where the attacked village once stood, it may also be prudent to ask at one of the major settlements for hints. Or the group could skip all of that and start hunting for the dragon's lair directly.
Edited: daishain on 21st May, 2018 - 12:31am