Tazskan, wakes up feeling refreshed, well rested from the night before.
He, washes himself, has a hearty breakfast, then goes, back and collects his gear, from his room.
Which includes, a couple potions of poison resistance.
He, then issues a command to his glammoured leather, and instantly it changes appearance, illusory, to that of camouflaged leather. In various shades of greens, complete with pieces of shrubbery, attached.
"I'm also coming with who evers going to the High forrest," he says.
"Also, so is my pseudodragon, If that's ok, for scouting purposes, I'm here to help," he adds.
Out of Character: Not, quite the bodyguard type, but still slighly muscular, and handy in other area's.
Will also roll for intelligence here, to determine if Tazskan has had any prior knowledge of this green dragon, or the high forrest.
Edited: anronrosby on 22nd May, 2018 - 1:43am
Wanting to visit this elf town, Lawrance accompanies the group, taking in all the sights he can while concealed in his Robe. "I wonder how often they have to deal with a rampaging green drake, here? Have they developed some new magic to deal with it?"
His familiar remaining in the background, flitting from perch to prch in the high branches, but adding to the eyes watching for danger.
Edited: Gknightbc on 22nd May, 2018 - 2:13am
As the group prepares to head for the elven settlement, Poljen speaks to Lia and Morgaine. "Ladies, I would like to make you each an offer. Lia, I rarely use my shield, and it has an enchantment that makes it more effective. Morgaine, I have this scimitar that also has a fine enchantment, but also does electrical damage. I normally only use these items when facing a foe that is immune to the extra cold damage my axe does. Would you each care to borrow these items?"
Out of Character: : Poljen's Bracers give him a +2, that is the equivalent of the +1 Shield but they do not both take effect at the same time. So if Lia can improve her AC with the shield, that makes sense to me. And the scimitar has +2 to hit/+2 to damage to go along with the d6 electrical damage. So that might make Morgaine's attack that much more effective.
Lia directs the group to a small village nestled in the forest. It is a long walk from the nearest clearing where the group can land safely.
Miles before you reach the town itself, you get the feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling does not go away as you reach the village. While you seem to be under close scrutiny from hidden guards, you enter the village unchallenged. The reactions from the elves here are simple enough. Most stare for a moment, then go about whatever it is they were doing before. Its subtle, but they seem to be avoiding contact if they can help it, though they won't shy away if you seek them out.
Edited: daishain on 22nd May, 2018 - 12:39pm
Considering the unsubtle manner in which the group arrived in the general area, Poljen is sure they are followed by stealthy elves the entire time. He does not even both to look for them. Once they arrive in the village, he will make himself as non-threatening as a man of his size can be. He will smile pleasantly and keep his hands away from his weapons. He will also allow Lia and a few of the others to do most of the talking, unless he feels there is something crucial he can offer.