"You, are all doing very well, keep up the good work, be wary for any traps, or sentinels, that may be present," Tazskan chimes in over the telepathic intercom, addressing the scouts.
Tazskan has thé pseudodragon check behind Poljen, for suspicious movement that would indicate that he, or the other two were followed. Edited: anronrosby on 12th Jun, 2018 - 1:52am
Mari and Zarra slip past the clay golem unnoticed, and into the side chamber. The Male elf is still in bed, while the female, still sweaty and naked from their recent bout of sex, is up by the altar, admiring the mask the group came here for.
She says, "Things are going well, soon your father will be forced to gather his people together to better protect them. That is when we'll introduce Patch's plague."
He responds, hesitantly, "Are you sure this will work? I wanted revenge on him, not these towns we've been hitting."
She turns and goes to him, her voice sweet like honey, in spite of the words. "This will work beloved, he took everything you loved away from you, and so we will do the same to him. This kingdom means more to him than life itself, you know that. And so it must be ravaged."
Placing his hands over the swell in her belly, she continues, "Our children will build a new kingdom, and we will rule them and others in the name of the goddess."
After relaying the conversation overheard, though it would mean having even more information given by the wizard, Zarra will offer the question, 'Anyone here know if the use of shapeshifting from human to dragon form could case issues or complication with pregnancy, or be reason of concern where the dragoness might not be willing to transform? Lawrance, perhaps you could help us with this like you did before?' It seemed pretty clear given what was said that the pregnant female was the dragon at this point. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jun, 2018 - 3:13pm
Lawrance responds *Shapeshifting with an unborn is always a hazard for wizards, and I know some who have foregone using magic altogether because of possible complications from it's use on the unborn. That being said, Druids are known to regularly shapeshift when with child because it actually helps the child develop the Wild Shape powers in the womb, which can be very useful. Dragons, I'm not sure of, but… I wouldn't concern yourself with that detail at the moment. Get the mask, leave an illusion and get out of the cavern fast. If Poljen has to fight a rear-guard action, he'll enjoy it too much.*
Out of Character: - History roll to aid Zarra, Arcana to see if Lawrance knows. Edited: Gknightbc on 12th Jun, 2018 - 4:16pm
Mari looks at Zarra raised brows. (It matters not about that. We must get the mask and go. The mask is all that matters. The world depends upon it. Zarra, how do you wish to do this? Work together maybe? You could check for and disable traps. Then I snatch the mask while you conjure an illusion? Or do you want to do it all by yourself?).
Lawrance tries to talk to just Zarra and Mari through the telepathic bond to spare the others from the historic dialogue. *There are many kinds of traps that could be in place on such an item… *
SA - History Roll to help whomever tries to find traps and whomever tries to disarm any found.