'I was merely preparing myself for if worst comes to worst, and hoping that her being with child might cause her to hesitate in taking her true from,' Zarra will explain mentally, annoyed the reason for asking such wasn't more obvious to the others, before continuing, "'Yet lets see about getting the mask. I can create the illusion to add a distraction as well look for traps as you try and get the mask.' Once everyone was ready and in agreement, the drow would head in.
Specific Action: Zarra will find a good place to hide before casting an illusion, since this will disrupt the invisability. This, after disabling any traps in place around the mask. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jun, 2018 - 4:56pm
Poljen tightens his grip on his axe. The moment he hears any trouble, he will start moving towards the chamber, intent on covering Zarra and Mari's escape…
Out of Character: : If stuff goes down, I will be ready to roll Initiative, etc…
Lawrance says to the group * Shall we mount up and be ready to ride in? * Putting action to public thoughts, Lawrance climbs aboard his Steed, ready to spur it forward to the rescue, if needed.
Out of Character: - Still need an idea of how many Steeds he created before now, so we know if we have to ride double. Remember that, when L leaves the Hut, it's gone. I'm sure we'll have a dragon on our tail, at least.
Once Lawrence leaves the "Hut" and it disappears; Morgaine, grabs her gear and goes for the closest area to provide herself cover from whatever maybe in the sky. If she has a stead nearby in a tree lined area she will go to it and get ready to head out. She is nervous as well as excited at the possibility to be of some use to the group.
Out of Character: Guess I got ahead of myself. It he does leave; that is what Morgaine will do, if not she will stay in the "Hut" but be alert just in case she is needed.
Zarra steps towards the mask, prepared to find and disable traps.
But when she starts to pass by the bed, the woman stiffens, turning slowly, and demanding, "Who dares?!"
Out of Character: I'll need Initiatives, even if just running away.
(Upon hearing any alert from any of the scouts)*That's the signal, I guess!* and spurs his mount forward at full speed to the entrance of the lair, spells percolating through his mind as he chooses his offense.
Out of Character: - Distance to the entrance, Dai? And how many horses were made while waiting? Speed 200 per round, as long as the terrain allows.