The drow, despite the pain of the claw marks which had been left across her torso, spits at the dire tiger and says darkly as she forces a smile, "Elg'caress, as if I'd tell you. May your goddess lay with Lolth in the deepest depths of the Abyss." Zarra knew there was risk in such an provocation in farther injury to herself, yet if it means a few more seconds to get the mask out of there it would be worth it. If she's able to, Zarra will try to break free and stand up before attempting use misty step to get away.
Specific Action: Insult the dire tiger/I assume dragoness, calling her a b* in drow, roll Actrobatics to break free, before trying to cast misty step away before being attacked again.
Out of Character: I only lost 21 HP, I have 22 HP left. Zarra is not down yet, killed, only prone and pinned down. Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Jun, 2018 - 6:48pm
Seeing that he could not take down a troll with so much energy expended, Velon calls out to the group over their telepathic link. "Poljen, how long? Hurry! Let's hold here and defend the exit for him! Mari, hand the mask up the tunnel! Perry, have any tricks here?!"
Velon tries to hack down the troll that was holding Zarra before retreating back towards the narrow exit where the group is. He will risk any attacks and mentally prepare his shield spell once again. He tries to defend Zarra and the rest, but does not block a few of his friends from joining him in the larger space so they can cast spells and the like. Most of all he tries to ensure no enemies get between him and his friends or the exit tunnel itself. When they do eventually leave he wants either himself or Poljen in the rear, the mask being handed forward and sped away to safety one way or another.
Once clear of the enemies and back near the tunnel, Velon will turn and drop another fireball on the three trolls, dragon, and prince if possible.
Out of Character: .
Just going to rely on the Dungeon Master to put us in the best defensive position for this situation.
Whatever fireball positioning gets the most targets works for me, with the dragon the lowest priority since she's not going down any time soon.
Move: 60ft of movement to get back and defend the group & exit.
Action: Fireball
Bonus Action: convert level 1 slot to sorc points
Hasted action: melee strike on injured troll with GWM feat. Edited: Cinder on 21st Jun, 2018 - 4:35pm
Mari smiles as the group arrives." Perfect timing. Not that we needed help. Things were well in hand." She winks at them and holds the mask up." We are good to go if we can get everyone out." She stops, puts the mask in her pouch, takes up her short bow and looses an arrow at the tiger.
Lia puts away her bow and reaches into her pouch now. She pulls out a cube about one inch across that radiates energy." This is it Velon. If we get everyone behind us I can use this to block the passage. Nothing can get through it. Then we can teleport out of here." Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Jun, 2018 - 4:49pm
Seeing the tunnel proper, Lawrance changes his plans *I'm going to put up a Wall of Fire around the entrance, with just enough room for a person to squeeze by! It'll face outwards and curve to close off the top, so make sure you get through the doorway! I'll leave enough room for fighting inside it's ring, but no one can see through it if we retreat.*. With that (On his action) he casts the spell as described, angling the wall so that anything tall is going to get singed. Leaving the doorway wide enough for even Poljen to pass without issue, he backs up a bit as the spell takes form.
Specific Action: Since I don't knwo the exact layout, but Lawrance does, the idea is to make the wall run along the room's wall as far as possible, curving it outwards about 10' to enclose a hemisphere bubble safe zone, as well as stopping it so the wall of fire is one side of a door, and the actual wall is the other. The angle of the wall is so the height is 8' at the lowest, closing in the top. I'll also try to catch at least tone Troll in the wall during creation, with any others on the hot side. Unless Dai says otherwise. Damage to all creatures is 5d8.
Tazskan, enters the frey and sees that a dire tiger has pinned Zarra down.
He quickly unleashes two agonizing, repelling eldritch beams at the creature.
Then makes an expeditious retreat, as a bonus action. To cover, behind the newly created wall of fire.
Out of Character: Dai, have we got a tactical map please? A bit limited, at the moment.
Perry walks out of the tunnel only to be greeted by a rather hectic scene. There’s a giant tiger pinning Zarra to the ground, a bunch of scorched trolls and kobolds, and a surprisingly happy looking Mari standing next to Velon. Perry’s first word upon entering the room, “AH!” He yelps as he points to the tiger, “THAT IS A REALLY BIG CAT!”
Suddenly, his eyes fixate on a frightened kobold, “Aw, buddy. Why are you working for these bad people? Get out of here, okay pal? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He looks around frantically, trying to calm down and decide what to do. “Uh um,” he draws his songblade and notices Prince Neronvain holding a similar sword. “Oh hey, you have one of these too? Bladesinger? That’s cool, I got mine from this guy in… oh right, you’re the bad guy.” Then, with renewed seriousness and vigor in his eyes, Perry points his glimmering white sword at Neronvain and looks him in the eyes, “You have committed genocide against your own people and forced these cute little fellas to die for your evil plans. And I’M supposed to be the only guy with a humming sword in this story. What do you have to say for yourself?”
As he makes his empowered speech, everyone in the immediate area begins to feel an immense amount of magical Fey energy swirling around the room as Perry’s eyes begin to glow brightly. The sword hums in anticipation.
♩ ♪ ♫
Dragoness Queen,
Yeah, she’s looking really mean,
‘Cause we stole her mask for fun,
No more rogues on the run
♪ ♫ ♩
The enemies in the room begin hearing strange music and seeing oddities in the room. Those affected see floating images of cheese pastries with bat wings, spectral musical notes and instruments, and badly drawn caricatures of people in dragon cult robes. The whirling cacophony is hard to ignore and causes them to behave strangely.
“Now Mari, we’re getting out of here!” He holds out his hand to the young rogue as he points to the tunnel and runs with her.
Out of Character: Okay, this is a fairly complicated turn so sorry for the length. I would like to cast the fourth level spell Confusion which requires any creature within a 20 ft. Diameter sphere to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. I would like to position it in such a way that it only catches the trolls, Neronvain, any stray kobolds, and the tiger in it in that order of priority and without hitting any friendlies. Since Zarra is pinned under the tiger, I would have the bottom of the sphere be about a 1.5 ft off the ground as to not catch her in it.
Perry’s initiative of 21 should allow this all to happen before anyone minus Lia if I’m getting my initiative order correct. I would also like to use my Bonus Action to use Mantle of Inspiration on myself, Mari, Velon, and Zarra. All of you guys gain 8 temporary hit points and advantage on your next saving throw. You can also move up to your full movement speed without provoking any AoO as a reaction if you wish.
After all this stuff, Perry will run up the tunnel using his full movement plus his reaction movement, hopefully with Mari behind him. Also I want to try and persuade the cute kobold to run away with us. Finally sorry Daishain, lots of dice rolls in your future, (Laugh).
Lia readies her magic cube as the group reaches the end of the side tunnel. Perry adds his own brand of chaos to the mix with a confusion spell. The troll Velon wounded stands in place rather dully, while another turns away to literally rip apart one of the kobolds nearby. The one addressed by Perry doesn't appear willing to approach those who killed its kin moments ago, but he does run down the passage towards the larger exit, away from the fighting.
The dragon takes a few hits as Morgaine, Tazskan, and Mari let fly with attacks of their own, wounding the dire tiger form she wears.
The elf prince arrives on the scene, and launches a fireball at the group. Lawrance, watching for such things, counterspells the fireball, causing it to fizzle out.
Under the dragon, Zarra struggles, then disappears, reappearing near the exit tunnel. Lawrance tries to put up a barrier of fire, but the prince gets a measure of revenge via his own counterspell.
Velon slashes at the already wounded troll, it goes down, hard. It is still twitching and trying to reform limbs enough to stand again when the paladin's second attack, a fireball, puts it down permanently, while scorching several other enemies.
The Golem rounds the corner, and smashes a fist into Morgaine. The third troll moves up and tries to follow suit, but it just does not manage to connect.
Back in the main chamber, Poljen finally does enough damage to the stone around him to jerk free. The barbarian starts running full tilt down the passage, trying to catch up to the one who had trapped him.
The dragon, clearly in a mounting fury, belches out a huge cloud of chlorine gas towards where the group is massed by the tunnel. However Lia was prepared for this, and a shimmering barrier goes up around her and others, warding off the gas.
Out of Character: Morgaine takes 17 bludgeoning damage from the golem. 1 charge from the cube expended, it is on setting 1, preventing gasses,wind,fog, etc. From entering, but nothing else. Remember that the setting can be changed before the duration is up, though it costs charges each time.
Poljen grins with glee as he barrels down the corridor and sees the chaos ahead. As soon as he spies either the prince or something easily identifiable as the dragon he charges right in and begins hacking away.
Out of Character: : Movement with Bonus Dash if needed to arrive at the scene. Most likely the prince is closer so he moves to attack. If before he arrives the dragon shifts into her natural form he will target her instead.