Once the group reaches its rendezvous with the castle, he turns to the pair of stable hands who traveled with them. They tie the horses' bridles to the rear of the wagon and turn it about to head back to the city. Poljen is glad to return to the castle. He leaves it to Velon and the others to open the portal and get rid of the cursed mask.
He goes to his room and cleans off as much of the dirt and muck from his clothes and hair as possible, and cleans his weapons. He allows himself to doze off for a bit. Upon awakening he rejoins the others, as they near their target once more. As to their tactics, he says, "Let's see if our foe is visible to begin with." He heads to the battlements and scans the sky, both with and without his spyglass.
Out of Character: : I will roll Perception with Advantage. I don't recall if the spyglass or his eagle eyes give him such, but I can't access rules at this moment. Disregard if necessary. I mean, if Chuch is in dragon-form, it should be pretty easy to spot her.
Velon goes and tries to open the portal to Chasorth. First, he gives Poppo a large hug and thanks him for swiftly coming to meet them. Upon opening the portal, he calls out. "Hello! Anyone home today?"
Along the way, he visits Captain Callahan. "Captain, how are things? I trust you are well. I hope your men are rested and ready, as we may have need of the castle in battle before this is over. Are all of the ballista ready? Also, if you could get all of the wagons of stone and such ready, we may have need of it. It may be difficult to hit a dragon with all of that, but she seems to have trolls and golems in her forces as well. If we end up fighting them out in the open, we'll need all of the help we can get. Above all, get all valuables, the wounded and the rest to the control room if the dragon comes or things otherwise go south. Poppo will help defend everyone, and we will come as soon as we can. Thank you, Captain!"
Velon says to the others "I had hoped to get eyes on her one way or another before leaving the castle." "I'd hate to waste our magical energies getting into her lair only to find her not at home, and worse, to return and find she and the Prince have torn down half of our castle."
As is often the case, a kobold is standing watch in the room on the other end of the small portal. The diminutive creature chirps a greeting, stating that he will go fetch the master.
A few minutes later, Silas walks in, a broad smile on his face. "Velon, it is good to see you. How goes your mission?"
"Excellent Captain! Please do tell your engineers that we are impressed. I do hope to grant you the time you request, as we could all use a break after this. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Irdeith! I did not expect to see you. What news of the Well, or elsewhere? I have good news, and a gift for you." Velon holds up the green mask wrapped in cloth, but lifts a bit of the wrapping to reveal their prize. "May I ask, what will Protanther do with these? I do hope they will not be kept together."
After the chat with Irdeith, Velon asks the group "Any sign of the dragon?" "If not, perhaps it's time to use this to cut down on any of her trickery? He pulls the seer's tabac out of his satchel. Anyone particularly experienced with smoking herbs, or whatever this is?" He looks amongst the group. "We have to think of the exact right question first, I'd think? Damn, where's Taz and his new hobby when you need him?"
Out of Character: Saved Daishain's description of this:
-2 doses of Seer's Tabac (Narcotic consumable) A bitter concoction of strange herbs and unidentifiable dust with a magical aura, smoking a dose of Seer's Tabac requires one minute and a successful DC 10 Constitution save. Failure imposes the nauseated condition for five minutes. Success allows the subject to commune with friendly spirits in search of answers concerning the future. (One question, as per the Divination spell).
Perry raises his hand, "Velon, I believe that smoking that herb is a job that I'm uniquely qualified for."
Perry pulls out a large glass flask with a rounded bottom, "Oh yeah baby, this right here is how I survived through college." In his other hand, he manifests a small magical green flame.
"Velon I'm ready for this assignment. More than any other so far." Perry looks like he's serious about this tabac he's going to rip.
Edited: seath on 3rd Jul, 2018 - 2:29am
The captain shrugs, "Fifty tower shields enchanted to ward off whatever kind of dragon's breath is coming our way would be nice. But short of that, I'll settle for a promise that we'll get some advance warning."
Perry places the herb into the round bottom glass flask and holds the green flame underneath. He proceeds to take some sick rips of this tabac for a solid minute like a champ.
Perry will plead, with intense focus, "Oh great goddess, patron, or whomever deity this may concern, I Peregrine Maximilian Cornelius Pennington seek your knowledge and guidance via this fine herb."
Out of Character: Rolling the save guys. If I pass, Dungeon Master let me know what happens and I'll ask the question. Do I know which deity is talking? Haha
Green flame is from Prestidigitation by the way.