Velon tells Irdeith where they are at and that perhaps the Elves of this vast forest could be convinced to help based on what they've seen of this dragon and rider. If they can rid the land of the dragon and bring Neronvain to the king, dead or alive, perhaps they would help the greater cause in return.
"Irdeith, I fear we are always one step away from failure here. I am no great leader, but I do what I can to guide this ever changing group of brave souls. Can you offer any advice on battling Chuth? Surely she is more cunning than we've seen thus far, and her mate, the princely wizard, seems to be full of tricks. I fear we will not all make it out this time, wherever she is." Velon touches the heartscale just under his breastplate. "Perhaps I'll finally learn what this does, if I call upon it at the right time. You've had me wondering every night since we met."
Velon looks at his own shield as Captain Callahan speaks. "Ha, you and me both on that. I can promise you that we will use our one sending stone or a spell to warn you if we know danger is on the way. What I fear is that we enter her lair only to find it empty, and she is already upon you. Remember that Poppo or Niko should be able to call us, as well. Best of luck, Captain." He puts out a large gauntleted hand, offering to shake. Edited: Cinder on 3rd Jul, 2018 - 2:58am
After preparing his spells for thee upcoming battle, Lawrance seeks out Velon and discusses the plans. "Are we going to do some aerial bombardment onto her home, or what? I suspect she's out and about harassing and murdering, are at least no longer at home, so I would be reluctant to waste magical energy unless we know she's home. It'd be good practice for our troops, too!"
"It might be an idea to consider, in using the castles armament to our advantage even if it might allow Chuth to fly out of her lair," Zarra will offer her thoughts and consideration of the situation, "Especially the dragon slaying bow." The drow was not sure if the othets would agree, and even she wasn't certain though it was something to bring up. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jul, 2018 - 4:44am
Perry, having successfully completed the Trial of the Herb using the Seer's Tabac, goes into somewhat of a trance as he communes with divinity. "Hey guys, you can call me Perry if my name's too long. Anyway let's make this quick as I'm kinda pressed for time. My question for you is as follows: Where exactly is the current location of the green dragon known as Chuth?"
Velon relieved that Perry kept his whits about him and asked a clear question about Chuth despite whatever effects this smoking process has on the brain.
"Hi Lawrance. Drop stone on the hill that her lair is under?" Velon looks confused for a second, then begins to try to speak but nothing comes out as he moves his mouth a little, stops, and repeats the process a few times. He seems to be trying to find his words. "Lawrance, you are a very important member if this group with your knowledge of both history and the arcane, never mind your actual spells, of course. Forgive me, but I'm a bit confused as to the purpose of dropping our limited quantities of stone on top of the hill that her lair is buried under. Can you explain? I'm not the most brilliant guy around, you see. I would think that even if we could cave it in, we might want the treasure underneath, if any is still there. Mostly I'm hoping to locate her before making any tactical decisions, really." He holds out the Seer's tabac to show Lawrance shortly before presenting it to the group.
Out of Character: . Going to go ahead and assume the scene with Lawrance is before Perry smokes it up, as we'll potentially have her location after that moment.
Mari rolls her eyes hearing Lawrance speak of dropping rocks on the lair "Velon, this is what happens when someone spends too much time reading about things instead of doing things. Common sense suffers...." She shakes her head.
"This would have been a great time to use familiars to scout. Maybe they could ask some forest creatures about Chuth." She shrugs and winks at Zarra.
Lia watches Perry with concern evident on her face. She stands back and silently beseechs Sune to continue to bless their battle against Tiamat. Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Jul, 2018 - 3:43pm
Lawrance looks a little chagrined at Velons question about the rock dropping. "We'll, actually I just wanted to see what it would look like when a ten pound stone hits the ground from five miles up. I also figured it'd make such a clatter that she'd come out and we could shoot her, but that was secondary. I know you want to invade her lair. "
Velon replies to Lawrance once again. "Ha, Captain Callahan actually asked me about something similar. It sounds like you should join his engineers in practicing the rock dropping as soon as we can make some time. I wouldn't mind seeing it, either! No one hopes more than I that we can take care of this dragon without anyone being hurt too badly and take a day to rest very soon."
"I wouldn't say I'm too eager to go find her in her lair, actually. I imagine we'll have to go after her wherever she is, although if she is in the lair I imagine we could try to taunt her out. Many seem to think we should fight her inside, however, so we'll see what the situation is. I agree that we shouldn't use much magic just in locating her, as we'll surely need it before the day is done."