Perry, who at the time was still recovering from that herb he demolished in one sitting, was still seeing strange colors as a side effect. His perception of time seemed to slow down a lot as well. As such, shortly after having relayed the divination to the others, he had meandered off from the group in the castle for just a moment so that he could sit down and pull himself together.
Unfortunately for him, the kitchen was nearby and he was really hungry for some reason. So, for a brief moment, Perry went to grab whatever pastries were available while the castle made it's descent to the forest. "No big deal," Perry thought to himself.
When he arrived back to the group however, Perry was shocked to find that half the party was gone. He immediately stepped off the now touched-down castle, afraid that he had been left behind. However, as soon as he stepped down off the castle and onto the forest floor, he heard Velon yell really loudly for everyone to get back onto the castle and watched the paladin stomp past him and enter the castle.
Now, standing on the forest floor in the middle of the day with pastries in hand and in a strange mental state, Perry looks around frantically in random directions. He has no idea what's going on. So he does an about-face, and follows Velon right back onto the castle.
He takes a bite of a pastry.
Edited: seath on 5th Jul, 2018 - 5:03am
Poljen waits for Velon's response. He thinks that no matter which way they go, they will face traps and dangers. And he nods to Morgaine that he is indeed ready, if not necessarily prepared. Then Velon begins ordering everyone onto the castle. He even tells Poljen to bring Lia. The look on his face is one of pure bafflement. Morgaine is close enough to hear a growl deep in his throat. He grips his weapon tighter, takes a deep breath… and walks over to Lia. He puts a strong grip on her broom and says, "Lia… Lia! Come along! Velon has a plan. LIA!"
Out of Character: : He will not force her, and will leave her with the broom…
In Character: :
As he walks past Velon back onto the castle he pauses and says, "This had best be a good plan… "
Lia seethes in anger as she awaits a response. As the dead elven girl approaches clawing at her, her mind reels. The horror of what happened to this little girl and the others most likely as well rips at her mind. Tears run down her cheeks as she tries to process this." I'm sorry", she brokenly utters.
She stands there for a moment, unable to grasp the full situation or what to do. Velon yelling to return and Poljen grabbing her broom breaks through to her. She jumps astride her broom, drops the barrier and then flies to the castie. Horror is evident on her face as she lands. Lia stands where she lands and looks back down at the undead girl." We faiied them," she murmurs softly.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Jul, 2018 - 2:19pm
Once the summoned creature is on it's way with the revised instructions (Dig the tunnel, drain the water entrance), Lawrance returns with Velon to the castle. Waiting to see what the next plan is, he says quietly "The Elemental doesn't need me nearby, once I've given instruction. I don't know how long it'll take to complete it's task, so what's the plan?"
Out of Character: - Somehow, I'm reminded of the A-Team, waiting for George Peppard's character to lay it all out *smile*.
Sighing as the finch joins the conversation, Lawrance says to Lia "No, it is not you who failed them, it is their Prince. Without his aid in providing victims, they would not be in her draconic clutches, and the entire area would still be peaceful and healthy. This overgrown newt has chosen to be an ugly-minded, mentally twisted beast, little more than an instinct-driven animal who can't think beyond it's next torment. Such creatures are to blame for the evils they cause, not anyone who fails to stop them. "
Addressing the finch, he says "Hide in your cave, little newt and know that your abuse of helpless playthings won't ease the end that comes for you and your puppet Prince. Every harm you do is layable at your own, crippled claws and not blamable to any other. May your wings shrivel, your eyes go rheumy and your soul's tattered remains be your form once you hit the afterlife, and may your goddess turn her face from you in your utter failure. Your weak talons were useless to prevent the mask from leaving, and your feeble abilities will prove just as futile in preserving your life!"
Velon looks impressed at Lawrance's words and insults.
"Why don't you simply come out and fight? We came to give you a chance at your revenge, after all. A second chance at the mistake you made yesterday. We won't even use this mask against you, and you can bring that elven boy you're so fond of with you!"
"HOLY CRAP A TALKING BIRD!" Perry exclaims. "How, how is this possible?! I've never seen such high-level sorcery in all my years. We must proceed with the notion that all birds, nay perhaps all wildlife, are evil spies! Velon, there's only one reasonable course of action here. We have to kill every single bird in this forest."
Perry turns to the bird and shakes his fist at it, "Kakraw, evil bird! KAKRAW I SAY!"