The rituals are soon complete, and bolstered, the group descends to the ground again. It appears that Geode had made decent progress with his tunnel, digging a passage 12 feet down in the short time he had had. But there was no indication of it breaking through, and determining how far it still had to go before reaching the lair's main chamber would be very difficult to estimate with accuracy.
The underwater passage is, unsurprisingly, as full as ever. Two more young zombies are chained here, floating in the water, again positioned so they must be dealt with somehow before entry can be gained.
The larger of the pair was a strong looking boy who looked to be around 60, his sign reads, "My name is Wirenth Bilamin. I had just begun my formal apprenticeship as a smith. This is your fault."
The smaller was perhaps 35, a young boy, his sign read, "My name is Invar Cairalei. My family tends the meadows around our village. I made a flower bloom with magic last week, and was being considered for training. This is your fault."
For some unknown reason, Perry doesn't seem as bothered by the undead elves as much as the others. Instead he's mainly thinking about logistics to himself, "Let's see here, she says she has thirty elves still unharmed but we've seen three now who are zombified. That means she must've learned at least 33 elf children's backstories and future ambitions before bringing them here. That's a lot of exposition to sit through considering our brief time away. Not bad, fat iguana. That's just solid listening endurance right there."
Perry mentally communicates to the others, "Should I blast these zombies so we can get around? Lia, are you okay with this? Ranged attacks are probably safest since they are all chained up." Edited: seath on 7th Jul, 2018 - 4:28pm
"I'm more considering how much magic has to have been expended to make these zombies, Perry. Either there's a device to do the work, or they spent some serious power to do this. Either way, these are just husks and devoid of any spirits, let's send them back to the dust they rose from. "
With that, Lawrance begins firing radiant bolts into the zombies, easily burning the monsters.
Out of Character: not sure how much time this will take to kill, so we should all just combine our powers and become Captain Planet.
After seeing Lawrance fire his bolts of radiant light into the zombies, Perry turns to Lia and mentally communicates, "Sorry Lia, it has to be done."
Beams of dark purple crackling energy fire from Perry's white scimitar as he slashes the air towards the zombies to assist in dispatching them quickly. "Everyone keep an eye out for traps."
He moves forward together with the group.
The group begins to take advantage of the water breathing effect and moves past the zombies into the passage. They do not go far however before something comes up. Lawrance's Detect Magic skill picks up some manner of conjuration ward ahead.
Zarra grits her teeth at seeing the two zomified elven children, again offering their names, a bit about them, and potental futures. Along with the phrase It's your fault, effecting she feared Lia the most, though for the drow it was simply making ger angry. She will swim with the other.