"How did they know that nets were our biggest weakness?" Perry asks over the mind mic. "This is a devious trap indeed, this aquatic net. Some innocent fish could get caught in this thing and have a difficult time escaping. Is anyone here proficient in aquatic net removal? Perhaps there is a way around this carefully placed device?"
Lawrance studies the net closely, intrigued by its design and fabrication. *You know, this brings to mind a blacksmith I've read about who had a device to extrude wire of exceeding quality, but was flawed in that… *
Specific Action: history roll to give advantage and +5 to the person who will disarm this trap.
Out of Character: if you add Bardic and guidance, we have little chance of failure in most skill rolls. Scary. Edited: Gknightbc on 10th Jul, 2018 - 6:03pm
Mari studies the net closely. After a few moments she says," I think I can do it. Everyone back to the side just in case. She begins trying to remove the net very gently.
Lia calls upon her goddess to bless Mari in her attenpts. Sune helps to steady Mari's hands.
Out of Character: : Wow. Anything but a one for Lawrance.... .
The water resists Mari's motion as she tries to gently part the strands. In trying to overcome the resistance, she tugs a little too hard, and there is a shifting overhead. The rock falls, a little slowed by the water, and the rogue manages to dodge its descent.
It is far less easy to dodge what comes afterwords, the rock drags a rapidly unfurling oilcloth sack, spilling hundreds of odd looking pellets into the water. The pellets bubble and hiss, and the water around the party begins to take on a faint yellow tinge and taste foul.
Out of Character: Lots of low rolls here, hopefully things turn around. Everyone needs to make a DC 15 Wisdom save, effects of failure to be discovered.
"Oh geez, who peed in the pool guys? That's just unsanitary. You could've went out in the forest earlier you know. Now it's all yellow in here. What's that hissing noise?"
Perry is upset at the foul yellow water.
Out of Character: These rolls are out of control. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw them. Rolling my wisdom save now. May Sune have mercy on us all.