Velon bites his tongue as he listens to the echo in the water of the rocks tumbling around in Poljen's brain, but the barbarian does reach the conclusion all on his own that they should not drown the prisoners and make it impossible for most of them to fight. "Just get me out of this water and I'll be happy" is all he says about this whole situation thus far.
Zarra will also try to keep her mouth closed when the water started turning yellow, the drow very much wanting to get out of the water herself. Yet she will offer to assist Mari in removing any future traps, perhaps having her take the lead..
Seeing the slight effect the trap/potion is having on his vision, Lawrance 'paths * Are any of you seeing strange things around us? I see some random creatures and lights, appearing and disappearing. Those pellets contained some kind of hallucinogenic, I think. It's not much more than a slight distraction for me at the moment, but it may get worse.*
Velon waits impatiently for the rogues and wizards to clear the way of all magical and mundane traps and get him out of this water. Then he starts to see watery shapes take humanoid forms all around the edges of his vision. They start to grasp at him to pull him down and reach for his mouth to drown him. The paladin gets more and more agitated, looking left and right and twisting his body about in an increasingly aggressive manner to avoid them.
Although probably without any great speed or grace, Velon swims and pushes past Zarra, Mari and Lawrance, unless they can stop him, and bursts out of the water onto the cave floor, likely triggering the alarm.
Out of Character: . Ok let's get this show on the road! The more skilled characters have had more than enough time to deal with all traps and alarms.
Will pause here to let Daishain describe what the party sees and whatever else happens as they exit the water. Edited: Cinder on 12th Jul, 2018 - 3:27pm
No sooner than Poljen speaks than his party members turn a bright shade of purple to his eyes, the color remains, slowly shifting to green, before it fades.
Velon bursts out of the water, and a loud wailing noise is heard. The paladin and any who follow are confronted by a kobold. Unarmed, and shaking with fear, but he stands his ground. "My mistress wishes to convey a message. You must know by now that you are outmatched. If you have brought the mask, there will be no further obstacles, if you have not, then every step further will be paid for in blood."
Out of Character: even if you passed the save, you'll be seeing some phantasms, they just won't be intrusive enough to disrupt.
Velon reaches out and grabs for the kobold in his panic, one hand on each of his shoulders, but with no intent to hurt him. "What is happening to me?" He calms down just a bit and asks "Why do you follow her?" "Why don't you leave?"
Out of Character: . Grapple attempt.
Poljen looks around for whatever is making the noise, hoping it is something he can smash, to end the annoying siren.
Out of Character: : Totally a flavor thing, since I assume the sound simply manifests due to magic… but if by some chance there is an object from which it emanates, he will smash it…