Lawrance grins at the kobalds words and thinks * it's always interesting how the foes automatically think we are outmatched, before the first blow is even struck. It's like they expect us to surrender like meek sheep when they tell us how powerful they are. Lia, Velon seems to be badly affected by the drugs. Is there anything Sune can do for him? *
Velon holds the kobold's shoulders (Pending grapple) but starts looking around the cavern, wide eyed. His head starts darting left and right with quick motions as he sees another of his fears at the edges of his vision. He sees Lia's body dead and torn to pieces, jerks his head and sees Mari's, bloodied beyond repair. Whenever he turns to focus on one, however, it is gone, replaced by others nearby. He starts mumbling "No, no, Lia, Mari, Perry, Poppo, Taz, no… no… "but then he turns and sees the real, living visages of Lia, Poljen and Lawrance. "What's happening?!"
Perry begins seeing vivid hallucinations on top of the still ongoing effects of the Seer's Tabac. Now infused with a dizzying cocktail of magical drugs, Perry somehow manages to make his way out of the pool. It isn't pretty. He flollops out of the pool, belly down onto the cavern floor. A squirting arc of drugged-up yellow pool-water pours from his mouth as he lays face down on the cavern floor pathetically.
"Mr. Velon, I don't feel so good… "Perry whimpers.
As the young bard looks up, he sees Velon, holy paladin of Bahamut, panicking as he strangles a two and a half foot long pastry. He turns his head to Lawrance and sees his head replaced with a talking book mimic with sharp teeth.
Perry sets his forehead back down on the cavern floor, "I really am back in college," he mumbles from the ground.
Seeing the various afflicted members of his party in the throes of drugged visions, and seeing flickers and disjointed images sent through the link, Lawrance thinks loudly to the group * The drug is making your fears come to you! Ignore the things that don't make sense And concentrate on what's REAL! If it doesn't make sense, it's not reality!* seeing the images spill over from Perrys mind he says directly to Tripps the bard * Pastries, Perry? Really? *. Edited: Gknightbc on 12th Jul, 2018 - 4:40pm
Lia steps from the water gracefully. She turns to the others and notices their odd behavior." Velon.... What is..? "She stops in mid sentence. Hearing a familiar voice she turns back." It's Fay. Fay! He's back." The vision of her son disappears." Come back." Suddenly many elven chlldren appear before her." Look they are free.."
They collapse to the floor in pools of blood. Lia falls to the floor sobbing." I'm sorry. It's my fault."
Mari sees the shape of people blur in and out. She closes her eyes and they are gone. Mari groans as she see the way the others are acting." Lawrence, what devilry is this?" Edited: Kyrroeth on 12th Jul, 2018 - 5:48pm
Lawrance is assailed on all sides by the cascade of images transmitted through the link by his friends and he quietly mutters "Hoo, boy. This is bad." To himself. Into the link he calls *These are your own fears brought to life, people! It's the drug afflicting you and we need to push through it! Lia, LIA call upon Sune to clear your mind of the drug! We NEED you!*
Wincing as Mia looses the arrow wildly, he tries to make sure he's not the next target from any of his compatriots as he tries to think of a way to fix this situation.
Specific Action: Using Arcana and History to determine possible 'cures' or ways to reduce the effects.
When Zarra manages to drag herself out of the water, she's the first confused why her companion seem to be acting oddly. And yet it is then that the effects of the water hit her, we're not only are the images of those she has a telepathic bond with can be briefly seen yet her own fears start to try coming forth.
The drow sees those of her kin out of the corner of her eyes and in the shadows, some that she recognizes and others that she does not. Zarra with close her eyes and try to shake her head, mutter, "This isn't real, they couldn't have found me! I won't go back, I can't go back, not after knowing freedom as I have. I'm not like them, I won't be like them."
All of her insecurities and fears that she has held inside, of being captured by the drow, forced back underground, and made to be like them. More than that though, she saw those whose faces she could not see move aggressively towards her. This causing Zarra to raise her crossbow. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jul, 2018 - 7:56pm
Morgaine keeps walking forward then out of the corner of her eye she thinks she see one of the pirates that had killed her entire crew and left her for dead, she automatically reaches for a weapon and strikes at them for what they did. She also hears the voices of those she knows in her head. Her mind is saying one thing but her eyes are saying something different..Which should she believe..she hopes she choices the right one. She would feel horrid if she would hit one of her friends.
Out of Character: She will swing the scimitar that is in her hand after they stood up in the water. She will be swinging at the air and no one near her.