"Aww, there there little guy," Perry says to the kobold. "I got him to let go of you for a moment. Listen, we're in a tough spot right now, bud."
Perry's eyes light up as he grasps his mandolin, "Since I helped you out, tell me all the details that you know of any traps and other enemies waiting for us in this place."
Specific Action: Suggestion on the kobold.
Out of Character: That's a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw for the lizard. He should have disadvantage on this save because of the mandolin's effect with charm spells.
Soon enough, the hallucinations gripping most of the party have been forcibly dissipated.
The kobold stops shaking as the magic takes hold. Looking up at Perry with awe, he says, "Fire sand, she put fire sand inside the trolls up ahead, made them heal up over the hole. She also made us build a big wooden thing in the main lair, and tied the elf hatchlings to it. They scratched a couple of patterns onto the walls as well, I don't know what for."
Blinking, as if uncertain where he is, the kobold straightens, "If you don't have the mask, I must tell my queen." Edited: daishain on 13th Jul, 2018 - 5:53pm
"Gr, I wish we could separate the Prince and the dragon, but I can't imagine how. Fire sand, huh? That doesn't sound good. If it's in the trolls and is anything like what I'm picturing, perhaps we'd better keep them at range. I leave the patterns to you." At this last bit he looks to Lawrance and their next best thing to a wizard for such things, Perry.
Out of Character: Going to roll to see if Velon has heard of fire sand.
Daishain, what does the cavern look like in here? Edited: Cinder on 13th Jul, 2018 - 6:20pm
"Oh yeah, tell her we brought it for her. Hold on I'll show it to you, it's in my bag here somewhere… "Perry mumbles as he pretends to rifle through his bag. He sticks his arms and head in his bag for a moment, pretending to be searching for it. While inside the bag, he activates the Hat of Disguise to make it look like he's wearing the legendary green mask.
"Ta-da! See? Isn't this thing pretty? Tell her that for the low, low price of 30 unbesmirched elf children and their individual backstories she can have this wonderful stylish mask here. But hold on, how are we going to do this trade? We don't want to deal with all of her traps if we're conducting a fair trade here."
During this conversation, Perry broadcasts over the mental link, "In case anyone is unclear, I'm lying here. We kill her on sight either way, but doing this may give us some leverage. Do we want her to come to us or should we ask for safe passage through to her? I'm open to any suggestions here while I'm conversing with this lizard."
Racking his mind for references, Lawrance attempts to determine what exactly fire sand is, does and how to disarm it's effectiveness. * It's a good idea, Perry, but she's not likely to come to us. You can try, but even safe passage leaves those trolls at our backs, which can't be good. *
Drying out the last of the water as the negotiations continue, Lawrance keeps his 360' vision alert and looking for any dangers or invisible opponents.
Once Morgaine realizes that the pirates she thought she was fighting were not there, she briefly breaks down and sits on the floor and sobs and keeps whispering.."I had them… I had them… "She sits there for awhile longer still somewhat aware of the others around her. She then get herself together and hears Perry and the others through the mind link and it springs her back quicker to the present.
Morgaine will state the following over the mind link: ("Yes, having her come to us will be better, she will have many many tricks in her liar. Bringing her here will be a better idea").