Poljen is no genius, but even he knows fire is bad news for trolls. Though he is surprised she has found some so quickly. {Perry, ask him how many trolls are filled with this fire sand. And also, I can't believe the fire sand is sand that is burning. Ask if the fire sand becomes something that burns. I suspect if we attack the trolls with melee, it will be like fire shoots out of them and hits the attacker.}
Out of Character: : Honestly, as a player I suspect it is even worse than Poljen has posited. But that basic idea I figure is something he would come up with.
Tazskan, sees the water turn yellow, instinctively holds his breath. Then realizing, thankfully his wearing his necklace of adaption, which enables him to breathe normally in any enviroment. Continues, moving with the other's.
Out of Character: Using athletics skill, to aid his mobility, in the now strange liquid, he finds himself in. Also makes an unmodified Wisdom save DC15, here.
"How many of these trolls are there?" Perry asks the kobold. "Tell your mistress we have the mask but to come here to get it. We shouldn't have to deal with her traps if we want to solve this peacefully."
Perry says over the mental link, "If she comes I don't think we should hesitate to attack. Be on the lookout for Neronbutt, we should try to kill him first if possible. Lia, I hope you're ready."
The kobold holds up all four fingers of his left hand in response to the question.
But he shakes his head doubtfully at the message, "I don't think she will choose to come to you. She will not engage her traps if you come in with the mask. That is enough for anyone who comes to kneel before her." Edited: daishain on 14th Jul, 2018 - 5:00am
"Well it was worth a shot. At the very least I may have bought some time for the kids if they are still alive. In summary, we have to deal with four, fire-sand-filled trolls, elf kids on a wooden contraption, and some magical glyph traps. Sounds like a real blast, guys," Perry mentally communicates to the others.
"Alright well, go tell your mistress that we have the mask and to not harm the probably-already-dead elves," Perry says as he points to the "Mask" he's wearing. "I also expect all 30 of their backstories available in a readable font. Oh and if we kill her trolls on the way tell her not to take it personally, we've had a long flight."
Tazskan's mind starts to spin, as he starts seeing things, and hearing strange voices.
He look's at his hands even they have turned green, he gasps in horror.
Then, he finds himself facing a male, bronze Dragornborn, in an arena. He hears, people chanting Tazskan, then feels a fist collide with his mouth. He feels himself, hit the dirt, then everything going dark.
"Where am I,?" he wonders. He tries to close his eyes and pretend that it isn't real, but to no avail.
He hears voices, some calling out his name, saying that he is an impostor.
Seeing Taz acting bizarrely, Lia moves to his side. She puts her arm on his shoulder and channels Sune's power into him. He can immediately feel relief from the hallucinogens." That should help Taz." She sighs and takes her place towards the rear of the party. Lia feels drained of much of her power and the battle hasn't even began.
Out of Character: : Well, that is six of her fourteen spell slots used up. She only has 4 4th level and 1 5th level besides her 1st level slots. That is a great start. This will probably be similar to the battle with the white dragon with Lora trying to heal. This handicaps her quite a bit. Hopefully we kill them before much healing is needed. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Jul, 2018 - 1:30pm