Lia sees the gas pouring and steels herself to withstand it. As she is choking and gasping for breath, she hears the roar of the trolls behind her. With a look of grim determination she activates her cube of force. A shimmering barrier forms around her, completely blocking the entrance. She sets the cube down carefully and retrieves her bow and several arrows. Lia communicates via the link. ". I have the passages blocked behind us. Nothing will get through. Try to not get too far away from me during the fight. If you move out of my range I can't heal you unless I move and allow four trolls to join the battle."
Mari grits her teeth in irritation. She uses the link to communicate their findings." They are not back here. She expected such and left a sign taunting us. We will head back to the lair now. We can't do much until someone spots her or the prince. Zarra and I will try to find them as well." Mari moves back to the cavern very carefully and tries to determine where their enemies are.
Specific Action: Mari will move stealthily to AG23. Lia will use setting 3 to stop all living matter from passing through. Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Jul, 2018 - 2:46pm
Perry breathes in the poison gas, "[crap] *cough*."
He reaches for his dark grey scimitar this time and points it towards the clay golem, "I'll show you *cough*, the wrath *cough*, of the Silver *cough*, Blaze. You evil, previously inanimate, object!"
Perry thinks to himself as he recalls the lesson Velon taught him before, "Alright so I think I just have to make this darkness resonate with sound again." He creates a tonal note with his voice that causes the blade to resonate with a dark sonic energy. Perry slaps himself as he says, "Okay Perry, pull it together! You can do this!" Then, he rushes and flanks the creature from the left, kicks off from the ground and, using his wings to propel him forward, aims to slash directly at the golem.
Specific Action: Perry melee strike for the first time ever with his Hex weapon! Poljen might be surprised, (Laugh)! It's the +2 scimitar with Booming Blade. Movement to Y23.
Out of Character: Also rolling my con save for the breath.
EDIT Forgot to add my movement location. Fixed now. Edited: seath on 17th Jul, 2018 - 2:43pm
Out of Character: : This is based on nothing else immediately revealing itself as a threat. If prior to Poljen's movement on Initiative 16, say the prince or the dragoness appear, he will go after them.
In Character: :
Poljen glances about. With neither of their main foes revealing themselves, he decides to do what he can to remove the children as a distraction. He rushes forward and clamber sup the platform as he feels his Battle Madness welling up. He is close to the left side. He sinks his great axe into a few ropes on the wood, then another batch. He uses his dagger to free the hands of the largest child he has freed and hands him the dagger. "Free the others!" he barks in Common.
Out of Character: : The rope is not moving, and technically restrained. So I am using Advantage, but not going Reckless. I will not bother with damage. Daishain, if you need damage or other rolls, I will put them in Q&A thread. Edited: PaulNelson on 17th Jul, 2018 - 2:54pm
Velon coughs on the gas a but but is able to shake off most of the effects, maintaining his concentration on channeling the blessing from Bahamut. He sees and hears Poljen going for the elves and replies "Yes, we'll handle the golem for now!"
Velon begins moving towards the golem and out of the gas cloud and, to his surprise, sees Perry charging into the melee ahead of everyone else! He rounds the other side of the golem and looks for an opening, hoping to use his magically enhanced hammer blows to shatter it's legs.
Out of Character: . Moving to AB23. Booming blade, Great Weapon Master, flanking [with] Perry.
Cloak in action here as usual, and he'll pop Shield if any serious blows are incoming, especially if the Prince or dragon appear and lash out with attacks vs AC.
Ky, the link between Velon and Lia hasn't gone up yet, correct? Just keeping my HP accurate. [Thanks]
Morgaine with her Necklace of Adaption(While wearing this necklace, you breathe normally in any environment and you have advantage on saving throws made against harmful gases and vapors; such as Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud, Cloud effects, inhaled poisons and breathe weapons of Dragons) that is such a part of that she tends to forget she has it on as well as her Cloak of Protection will look around the area to where she will be the most help.
Morgaine also hears that the dragon and her play toy are not in the bedchamber and is taunting us. She wonders and sends through the link;" Could they be in the treasure room? All Dragons will protect their treasure among all else ..right? Or did we just lucky and the mask was in the bedchamber instead of among the rest of her treasure?"
Out of Character: if I missed something about a pile of treasure, then ignore the thought link Morgaine sent. She will look around and see where she can best be of help though. Doing Con save just in case it is needed as well as Survival and Insight rolls.
As Perry lands a solid blow against the clay golem and the loud boom sound is heard as his blade connects, he exclaims, "I did it, Velon! I did the thing!"
Then he turns his head to see Morgaine looking around aimlessly and yells, "Hey Morgaine! Yup, you there, the strong lady with the armory. Would you kindly come hit this big clay guy with your impressive arsenal of pointy things please?"
Out of Character: (Laugh), not sure if you saw Susan but the clay golem has animated and is going to be attacking us soon. I figured Morgaine in-character would probably try and hit it, being that fighting is her thing and all. Edited: seath on 17th Jul, 2018 - 4:29pm
Out of Character: Thanks Seath I get to hit something! ! Been feeling left out lately..*laugh*
Will remember to add the bless this time as well. Will do ATT/DMG for both weapons and Dia can use either one. The scimitar does extra 1d6 electrical DMG if it hits..will roll for that as well. She also gets a +2 DMG bonus for having the Dueling Fighting Style as long as she only wielding a one-handed weapon in one hand and no other weapons. That has been added in as well *smile*
In Character: Morgaine upon hearing Perry call her name looks at him and gives a grin; as he wishes her help to take out the golem. She grabs the Scimitar that Poljen let her borrow(If she still has it, if not then she will grab her longsword).