Velon comes to with a sudden gasp as a tiny bit of poison mist escapes from his body. He groans over the mental link and mumbles "... Didn't, hurt, a bit." Another groan. "Come on Bahamut, don't let Sune have all the fun today. Let's go… "The lumbering Paladin begins to try to stand, groaning a bit more, no longer aided by his spells.
Out of Character: Just RP, not actually standing as that will take some of next turn's movement.
Out of Character: : I was waiting to see if Perry's action would be to do something with Poljen. Now that I know, time to go to town! Half movement to get up, still have 20 feet. Daishain, if Chuth is in the air such that Poljen can NOT reach her, he can move from his current position of W-19 to Z-23 and use his swings on the the Prince. He will move to that point anyway, so that if the dragon is on the ground he can still attack her, but be ready for an AoO on either of them… oh, and of course Bonus to Rage!
In Character: :
Everything goes black as the cold envelops Poljen. He has been cold before, but never like this, as if he has been stabbed by a million icicles. Then just as he despairs of ever coming back, he feels the familiar warmth of Lia's divine healing. But he has never felt it so deeply, so purely, it is like he has been given a rush of Battle Madness for a brief moment. He stands, swaying slightly, still a bit dizzy from the magical surge. He lets the Madness once more rush into him, and he charges across the floor with just enough energy to reach a point where he should be able to reach either of their foes. He aims for whichever is in reach…
Beyond the feeling of cold and darkness felt, Zarra will find a warmth come over her and in opening her eyes a light as Lia provides healing they all so desperately needed. The drow takes a deep breath, trying to get enough clean air into her lungs as she thanks both Eilistraee and Sune for being alive because of her friend's care. The healing her magic provided.
Get the drow is still badly hurt, and grabbing her bow will as soon as she can stand find a place farther way and under cover. Zarra curses herself for not having a healing potion one had but at least she wasn't dying. The rogue will hope that she can get a bit more healing, yet even then she will try to provide support once farther away.
Out of Character: No action yet, as I suspect she is still recovering and in need of standing. Apart from of course moving away from the dragoness and prince to find cover. Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jul, 2018 - 10:54pm
Lawrance steps over to the cabinet and starts to open it, but the moment he touches the handle, a jolt of electricity goes lancing up his arm, sending his weakened mind into darkness.
Many in the party fall to the combined attacks, though Lia's timely intervention brings most of them back to their feet.
The prince scoffs at this, "A losing effort, keeping them from death, how long do you think you can keep it up!" He starts to cast a spell, pointing the tip of his sword in Lia's direction, when Perry's spell takes hold. The treacherous elf freezes in place for a few moments. He breaks free again not long after, but the effort of it leaves him shaken as he looks around to Perry with hate in his eyes.
Poljen and Morgaine each shake off the cold with Lia's help and charge Chuth. They each score a hit, and are struck in turn as the dragoness puts her tail to good use. She bites and claws at Poljen, but he manages to dodge most of it.
Mist seems to surround Velon as he struggles back to his feet, somehow soothing him, making him wonder why they'd be fighting such a magnificent creature.
Out of Character: 21 lightning damage from the trap. There's a Dexterity save for half damage on the thing, but even with a pass, he's still going down. Should've been just a bit more cautious, though I can understand why not. Before Detect Magic is mentioned, it was dropped for the black tentacles.
Morgaine takes 11 damage from a tail swipe. Poljen takes 20 from a tail and a claw, reduced to 10 after his DR.
Velon needs to make a DC 18 Wisdom save or be Charmed by Chuth before his next turn. No immediate effect for now other than being unable to attack her in particular until he throws it off. She's not really in a position to sweet talk him for more right now.
Morgaine is thankful for her necklace and cloak for protecting her. She then tries to jump over the tail but it get her in the calf. Shaking it off she once again takes the scimitar and goes after either the dragon or the prince, which ever is closer.
While still working to remain under cover and out of sight, making sure to hide in a position which would allow a clear shot. Zarra was grateful for the distraction provided by her companions. Once this was done, though still in pain admittedly, she will draw her longbow and aim her shot at the Chuth.
Perry points his sword at the Prince and boasts, "Fool! You are the copycat, and I am the true wielder of song and blade." Perry folds his arms, tilts his head back, and cackles dramatically, "(Laugh), indeed, that previous spell of mine was mere child's play, a trifle! And yet you nearly succumbed to it, (Laugh)! Now then, fiend! Let's see how you fare against my most powerful magic!"
Fey magic courses through Perry as he says these words, but he isn't really casting a powerful spell. No, Perry thinks that would never work after drawing Neronbutt's attention. No, Perry is actually scared. Perry wants to run. So Perry musters his most powerful ability for this situation - acting. He mocks the Prince.
"That's right, fool! Behold, my TRUE POWER!"
A short pause, then Perry runs. He makes his way back to the hallway to the shrine and yells down the hall after seeing Lawrance asleep. "WAKE UP AND HELP ME, SMARTYPANTS!" the panicking tiefling yells. Perry puts his sword away and focuses his efforts into protecting himself from the Prince with his shield and magic.
Specific Action: Action - Vicious Mockery on Neronbutt - DC18 Wisdom save. On a fail, the Prince gets disadvantage on his next attack. Movement back to AF24 to yell to the wizard. Bonus Action - Rank 1 Healing Word on Lawrance. Reaction - Shield 100% please!
Out of Character: - Okay, okay I know it seems silly but I'm channeling my inner Patrick Rothfuss. My thought process here is that I need to pick up Lawrance and that I only get a cantrip if I do so. The hype up of Vicious Mockery is to try and bait him into a Counterspell. If that doesn't work, then I at least mocked him and potentially gave him disadvantage on his next strike. Win-win as far as I'm concerned. I'll roll Deception here if we want to go with that, though I'm also okay with this not working at all, (Laugh).
Tazskan, takes this time to activate his pact keeper rod, to open up another 5th level spell slot.
He moves towards the side passage on his left.
Specific Action: Use his action to activate pact keeper rod, then move to AB19. Since, it would take another, action to drop ascendant step, he will keep using it.