Poljen rolls with the blow from the tail and shrugs off the clawing. "Bah! Your white brother did far worse than that!" He glances the beast up and down. "I think your scales will make a fine necklace to wear! Hyah!" he cries out once more as his axe lashes out again and again…
Velon suddenly feels as if a cloud has been lifted from his mind and he truly sees Chuth in all her glory for the first time. "Isn't she amazing" he says, looking up at her. "You are truly a magnificent one, fair dragoness." He then sees Neronvain standing beside her. "YOU! You, the coward and the traitor to your people, you do not deserve her, and stop looking at my friend, too!"
With a flash of energy the paladin is off and running again at a blistering pace. Before the Prince knows it he is upon him, having circled around the dragon and putting himself between Neronvain and both Chuth (To some extent) and Perry. "You cannot have them!" He strikes out with enhanced speed at the elven traitor.
Out of Character:
-Quickened haste as bonus action.
-Moving to AA25 with the extra speed.
-Booming blade attack as action.
-Melee strike as hasted action.
-Will pop Shield as needed.
-AC is up by 2 with Haste.
-Will smite at level 2 on a [Critical Hit].
-Lost Channel Divinity when Velon went down.
Moaning as he wakes up from the surge of healing, Lawrance rolls over and stands again, staggering from his still leaking injuries. Seeing Perry, understanding what occurred and roughly saying "Thanks, Penelope." He uses his ring charge for more healing, then moves carefully to the edge of the corridor, peering with a bit of fabric to see around to the battle.
Specific Action: Cure wounds as before, I'll not bother re-rolling, then move and use the edges of the Robe to be able to see what's happening down the way. This should be as close to full cover as he can get. If the Prince casts anything other than a Counterspell, Lawrance will counterspell it.
Lia smiles grimly as the tide seems to be turning. Speaking through the link she says, "We almost have them. We have withstood their worst and yet we are still here." She grabs her cube and activates face 1. A shimmering barrier is barely noticeable around her. Lia continues to hover on her broom. Gesturing towards her friends and calling out words of power, healing light arcs towards her companions.
Mari grins humorously as her poison is applied. She races through a gap in the hedge and directly for the traitor prince. Her blade slashes violently at him, coated with Yuan-Tk poison." Die, you filth."
Specific Action: Lia holds in the same position. She activated face one of the cube to block out gases. Lia then uses her bonus action to cast mass healing word. Once again Morgain, Poljen and Mari get the full 18 hitpoints of healing. Velon and Zarra will receive the amount rolled. The sixth person she will heal is one of the children she noticed that had just stopped struggling versus the noose in the last round or two. Lia will receive 6 hit points due to blessed healer feature.
Mari uses her bonus action to dash to AA23. She should get advantage plus sneak attack due to flanking. Only making one attack since her bonus action was already used.
Out of Character: : Daishaim, what type of damage will the Yuan-Ti poison do to Nerovain? If she hits I will roll in the support thread for the poison damage.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Jul, 2018 - 1:46pm
Velon finally catches Neronvain with a good strike after the wizard Prince had used his magic to block even Velon’s best efforts the last time they met. The Paladin takes the split second opportunity to channel divine energy into his hammer for an explosive burst of radiant damage.
Out of Character: . Level 2 smite on a [Critical Hit] as described conditionally above.
Zarra, Morgaine, and Poljen continue to strike at the dragon, who has accumulated several deep wounds. The ground under her is starting to grow slick with blood.
Perry manages to flee from the prince and brings Lawrance back from the brink. Likewise, Lia's spell brings much needed life to her beleagered companions, even as a barrier goes up to ward against another breath attack.
Said prince meanwhile finds himself between Velon and Mari. Velon drives his sword deep into the prince's belly as Mari strikes home with her own poisoned blade in his back. The elf's sword falls from nerveless fingers as he collapses to the ground, a bloody froth on his lips as he gasps for air.
Growling, Chuth slaps the pair away from her fallen lover, then raises a claw above his form. A rune etched into it glows a bright red as she intones, "Kornari Iejir opsola troth vrak!", and drives it into Neronvain's chest. His eyes go wide as his fading life is torn from him. Crimson energy swirls up over Chuth's form with this act, closing some of her wounds and seeming to give her energy.
Out of Character: Those who speak draconic know the words to translate to "Heartsblood of the father, protect the child" For anyone wondering about Mari being able to hit there, the prince didn't have his bladesong active this time, a large part of what made him so damn tough to hit before.
Lawrance was revived after his turn, so his action will wait till next round.
Edited: daishain on 28th Jul, 2018 - 10:22pm
Perry calls Mari over the mental link, "Hey Mari, how are you? Hope everything is going well with the assassinating. Hey listen, I know you're busy right now, but how would you feel about being a really giant ape capable of crushing anything in her path? I need you to grab her and make sure she can't escape."
Perry pulls out his sword and bangs it against his shield again like a drum. He sings the same giant ape song from before. Then, the bard runs away down the hallway.
Specific Action: Action - Polymorph: Giant Ape on Mari. Movement to AL23. Shield as reaction if applicable.
Out of Character: Giant ape has +9 Athletics and, assuming Tazskan's Hex is still up, Chuth has disadvantage on Strength checks. I think Mari can grapple with one attack and punch her in the face with the other. The grapple is just so she doesn't try to fly away and escape now that she's in trouble.
Tazskan, having already activated his pact keeper. Stabs his finger, at Chuth, an orange beam streaks towards her. Finally errupting into flame over Chuths form.
Specific Action: Tazskan, having activated a 5th level spell slot previous. Now evokes a fireball, as a 5th level spell.
Attacking Chuth. The dragons, size should occupy most of the 20 feet, that this spell has effect.
She needs, to make a save on her Dexterity, to take half damage.
For, the purposes of not remaining, in same position, twice, Tazskan will continue his movement towards 21AC.
Out of Character: Dai, hasn't clarified if the hex has ended.