Perry turns around and watches as Mari wrestles the dragon. A single tear rolls down his cheek as pride wells up within him. He wipes the tear away as he places his hand on his chest and communicates over the party line, "I'm so proud of her you guys. All grown up and murdering dragons. Get her, giant Mari!"
The beautiful moment is short-lived however as a Fireball erupts and consumes both Mari and Chuth. "NO, MY CHILD!" Perry yells in a panic. Then, a waft of burnt ape hair assaults Perry's nose.
He grimaces.
"KEEP IT UP MARI! YOU'VE GOT THIS!" Perry cheers. He flys up just enough to comfortably see over the hedge and fires two more blasts of crackling purple force energy at Chuth.
Then, he rounds the corner and takes cover. He looks at the comfortable bed with longing. Those thoughts are quickly erased as he recalls what occurred on it.
He shudders.
Specific Action: Fly up to see over the hedge clearly. Action - Eldritch Blast on Chuth. Land and move to AM22 for cover.
Out of Character: Based on everyone's HP, it doesn't seem like anyone can possibly go down this turn except maybe Zarra and she's super far away. So no healing word this turn. I'm hiding to protect concentration.
EDIT: WOOT! [Critical Hit] for Perry! This is the most damage he's ever done I think, (Laugh).
Edited: seath on 31st Jul, 2018 - 4:41am
Tazskan, starts coughing as acrid fumes enter his lungs, and his eyes start to water. He is thankful for wearing his necklace, of adaption and feels a warmth, as it magically takes effect. He tries to maintain his concentration, with his at will, ascendant step, invocation.
Specific Action: Will roll his constitution save with advantage thanks to his necklace of adaption, as the acrid fumes start to enter his lungs. Roll for concentration here. Will roll again on constitution to maintain his levitation, If fail concentration, will fall gently back to ground at AB 19. The DC of Tazskan's third roll (Concentration) is dependent on how good the necklace is?
Will wait on outcome of this first before making an attack.
Edited: anronrosby on 31st Jul, 2018 - 9:53am
Mari is enjoying beating on the dragoness in her new form. Her enjoyment is cut short as toxic gas fills her lungs. As she struggles to hold on to Chuth, her world goes white. Her fur catches on fire as the fireball hits her. She grunts in pain and attempts to hold onto Chuth in spite of the pain. Thorns dig into her as well as a hedge pops up between her and Chuth. She does all she can to hold onto the drake.
Lia watches in horror as the gas envelopes her friends again. As she sees Taz launch the fireball which impacts Mari as well as Church Lia glares at Taz. Speaking through the mental link she says, "What the hell are you doing Taz? You can't cast a spell like that with our friends in the area." She takes aim at Chuth carefully with her oath bow and looses a normal arrow. Lia then speaks a word of power and gestures towards her friends. A light flashes brightly and healing surges into her friends again.
Specific Action: Mari broke free of the hedge and is trying to hold on to Chuth. I'm not sure if she can attempt to hold the grapple since she has to break free of the hedge. I'm rolling for it in case she can.
Lia is using her action to shoot her oath bow at Chuth. Her bonus action will be to cast mass healing word. According to what I see on the map she is within the spells range of everyone. If she isn't by chance then she would move up the minimum necessary to get within range. Once again Morgaine, Poljen and Mari get the full 18 hit points.
The other healing will go to Velon, Zarra and again one of the children that is in bad shape. They will go by the dice roll. Lia again gains 6 hit points due to blessed healer.
The oath bow shot ignores cover due to oathbow and sharpshooter feat.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Jul, 2018 - 1:16pm
Zarra will seek to avoid the poison breath while drawing her longbow to yet again attack Church and finally end her live. The drow hopes the the poison won't overtake her.
Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Jul, 2018 - 1:11pm
Tazskan, will stretch out his hand towards Chuth, and unleash two agonizing eldritch beams at her.
While, holding onto his pact keeper rod in the other hand. Increasing its effectiveness.
Feeling marginally better from the healings,Lawrance eyes the dragon through his robe and plans. Shrugging mentally at his limited options, He launches a firey bolt at the massive form. The sparkling package weaves through the brambles and impacts on the scaly hide with a small explosion of energies!
Specific Action: Polychrome Fire Bolt (2d8) with Advantage from restrained condition.
SA - Counterspell if she casts any spell.
Edited: Gknightbc on 31st Jul, 2018 - 10:26pm
Tazskan, feels a bit weaker as he lapse's in Concentration and comes back gently to the ground.
"Hopefully, the eldritch blast, found its mark," he ponders.
Out of Character: Tazskan's HP reduced to 14 now.