"Perry, are you sure that's your thing?" Velon backs away down the hall a bit as Perry appears to be about to poke and prod at the chest. He mumbles "If only we had a proper wizard… "to himself as he watches with a mix of fear and curiosity. He thinks of the healing potion in his pocket for when someone stops breathing if this goes poorly.
"Alright everyone, watch a real expert at trap disarming at work here. This is, respectfully, child's play," Perry boasts. The bard begins by examining the chest carefully. "Hm, yes, indeed. I see. Shoddy work this is," he mumbles.
Contrary to what the bard said, he actually isn't an expert at disarming traps. He's far from it really. In fact, he's never disarmed anything ever. He's only played a character that was an expert at disarming traps. Still, he attempts to imitate Mari to disarm the chest, but in a much sloppier way. At one point he smacks the chest with his tail.
Out of Character: I'm not sure what we are rolling here so I'll roll for a Dexterity check + half-proficiency from Jack of All Trades. If it's supposed to be Arcana, then change the modifier to +2. If it's supposed to be Sleight of Hand, change the modifier to +6.
"(Laugh), see! It's done just like that my young apprentice! That tail slap right at the end there is the most crucial part, (Laugh). It's okay though, keep working on the basics and someday you too can be an expert disarmer!" Perry dramatically brags to Mari. Fearing a dagger to the face, the bard stops talking and turns around awkwardly to open the chest, "Anyway, let's crack this old thing open then and see what's inside."
He looks in the chest.