Velon just groans at Perry's words. "You are not quelling my urge to go rid us of yet another potential problem right now, Perry." Velon glares at Lawrance. "Tell me, Perry, in all of the stories you've read, heard or told, does the curiosity of wizards ever cause trouble for those around them?"
Perry ponders Velon's question for a moment, "They say that a curious mad wizard was responsible for the creation of the fearsome creature known as the Owlbear. Legends say the wizard was fascinated with both owls and bears and experimented on making a hybrid. It worked out well all things considered. Although the wizard was mauled and eaten. But we do have cute ferocious monstrosities roaming about now! You can get some really nice owlbear plushies in Neverwinter from a place nearby my parents estate."
"Thank you, Perry. Sounds like hybrid creatures can be big trouble to me."
After Lawrance chimes in, however, Velon admits "Huh, sensible words from the wizard." "There is hope for us after all! What will you do though, I wonder, if Irdeith warns that the egg is too dangerous and should be destroyed immediately?"
Melendrach's holdfast is certainly nothing like the imposing castles of men. Instead, a series of buildings, most of which are suspended well off of the ground, serve as defense points surrounding the center of it all, a thick towering structure of white marble spiraling around a trio of large redwoods. Enemies approaching the King's home on foot would have to either endure archer and spell fire from all directions, or spend time rooting out each of the dozens of turrets.
Upon approaching, Lia is quickly escorted to a stern looking elf in the uniform of the king's guard,
"Young lady, I ask that you explain who you are, and what is going on with the flying structure up there. This threat has caused a great deal of commotion." Edited: daishain on 13th Aug, 2018 - 9:33pm
Morgaine will arise and once again place the scimitar into her Quiver. "I shall hold onto it until it once again goes to it's master."
When Poljen approches her later on and sees he is blushing, she awaits what he wishes to say to her. Upon hearing the tale and seeing the item, she is overcome with a feeling of honor to be giving such a gift.
"I am deeply honored that you would give me such a wonderful gift, I thank you from my depths for it."
She will then cursty to him as one would royality.
She then will rise and turn around to see Lia leaving on her broom. She sitenly yhinks she must be going to see the elf king and wishes her the best. She then heads to her room for some rest.
"I prefer not to speculate on possibilities. If he does declare the hatchling anathema, I'll discuss options with the group. "
Out of Character: at some point during the available time, Lawrance will hook Velon and go speak with The dragons through the portal.
Activating the portal magic, Lawrance waits for a response. While waiting he talks with Velon about the report. "We'll give them all the details of the mask and such and Chulths demise. Perhaps they'd like the Wonder Wand as well? I do hope they take the egg without issue. Poljen has mentioned blue hybrids that were previously 'adopted' by them? What's the story with that?" Edited: Gknightbc on 14th Aug, 2018 - 1:29am
Velon scratches the back of his head and makes a pained face at the thought of the blue half dragons. Sighing, he responds "When I first met Lia, Poljen, Cratol and the rest we found a cult hideout in a cave, led by the blue half dragon Cyanwrath. They were… 'breading'... The prisoners from the surrounding towns with dragon spawn and using magic to speed up the whole process. That's how I understood it, at least. It was… terrible." He pauses for a moment in disgust. "One WIZARD betrayed us and stole an egg. The rest, or at least those that weren't destroyed during our raid, were sent to far off homes in hopes that they could be raised in small numbers and not succumb to the potential evil side of their nature. I hope we do not regret it."
Out of Character: . Little fuzzy on the details of the remaining eggs or whatever and how many we sent where, but you get the idea.