Suddenly a shrill noise occurs. Poppo says, "Sorry" and abruptly shuts down the connection to Silas.
"Someone is scrying us, say nothing of importance."
A few moments later however, the alarm ceases. Then Lia can hear a woman's voice. "Lia, there is a need in Everlund to help heal a lad if you would be kind, I will not demand. Cratol."
It seems like a sending spell, so replying should be possible.
Whispering to Velon, after the message comes through "A pretty obvious trap, isn't it? 'Help me, Oh Silver Blaze, you're my only hope! Come here and let me kill ... I mean… USE you!' They couldn't even use his voice? They can't follow us. They can't catch us, so they now try to lure us."
Lia grows pale as she shares what she heard." It was a woman's voice. I... Don't know what to do. What if he needs help.. We still don't know why he left originally." She looks to the others and then worriedly at Velon.
"I know how you feel Velon. He was an original member of the Blaze though.
What do we do?" She paces around the room anxiously.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Aug, 2018 - 5:13pm
Using his newly acquired Message cantrip, Lawrance sneds to Velon "We should send our own messages to Cratol if we want to confirm the validity. Perhaps a Scry spell that Taz is aching to try out? Either way, we need to confirm if this is real, or he is actually not even there."
Velon looks like he is ready to explode regarding Cratol after just ranting about this very subject, but holds it together and says nothing because it is Lia. He thinks Lawrance wise not to trust this situation, and nods at the suggestion of using magic of our own to confirm. He grits his teeth and says "Yes, please do it." Otherwise he holds his fist to his mouth and looks at the floor, focused.
When there is a moment of silence as Lawrance, Lia, and/or Taz work on that aspect of this, Velon speaks up once more, still grumpy as can be.
"Do you all think we could use more wood or stone to drop on the cult if they have a thousand men at this tower? Could someone please take charge of asking the elven King for this one more favor before we depart?" He looks to Poljen. Morgaine, Perry or whoever else might be willing, but not to Taz as they may ask him to scry. "We will not leave without filling you in on what is happening with Cratol and getting your opinion, I will make that promise. Make haste, please!"
Perry raises his hand, "I'll do it but I'm not carrying any."
Penelope goes back down to the elf town with some of the others along with some of captain Callahan's men and women.
"Hello your highness, one last thing before we leave if you don't mind. Can we take some relatively large rocks and some lumber please? I think we're going to drop them on bad guys from really high up."
Penelope supervises the carrying of rocks.
Out of Character: Seriously.... (Laugh).
"We have, quite literally, an unlimited amount of stone we can conjure up, at any time. With Wall of Stone and Stone Shape, we can fill our castle with balls of rock until we have trouble flying, so that's not really an issue."
"What message would you like to send to Cratol and have him reply to?" Lawrance asks as he prepares the Sending spell.
Out of Character: - using plot leeway to have Sending prepared for this.
Velon looks to Lia with some expectation in his eyes, hoping she and Lawrance can decide how to confirm it is Cratol.
"Yes, that's a good point. Let's save your magic for today though. I don't know how long this trip will take, but we must be ready to strike as soon as we arrive."
Out of Character: . I really don't want to engage in this Cratol storyline much more personally until we resolve this in Q&A, but you guys should do what you like to confirm it is really him via Sending or Scrying and all of that. It's a good idea.
Dai, how long is this trip, without stops, side trips, or delays? Beyond that we may add a very quick stop for merchant dealings and the like.