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Relieved, and a little exhausted Tazskan finnishes - Page 1096 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 25th Aug, 2018 - 12:22am

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Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 6:55pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 1096

Lia has a pained expression as she glances at Velon. She is worried about Cratol but knows how he feels about the monk." Lawrance… ask him what the name of the group leader was that we followed to Greenest. Only Cratol would know that.... Or ask him the name of my son. If the answer is correct I'm sure it is Cratol."


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Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 7:15pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Addressing Taz, he asks "Could you Scry Craotal as I send our message, and confirm he isn't under threat or otherwise being controlled? Let me know when you are ready and I'll ask him the questions."
Once Taz signals his readiness, and then prepping and casting the Sending, Lawrance focuses on Cratol as he last saw him. Once the channel has opened, Lawrance asks "What group leader did you follow to Greenest, and did you compose the message we just received? Are you in danger or duress?"

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 7:25pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Velon looks over his shoulder at the mighty Snow Leopard. "What do you have to say about this? You above all know of my concerns and exactly what has happened in the past. Do you want your fighting partner back to 'cut the throats' of fire giants with?" It is said with no disrespect to Poljen, just the opposite, as he knows the big man shares his concerns. Poljen has been put in danger by this problem most of all, one could argue.

Velon spits on the floor.

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Page 1096 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

At Velon's remark about "Throat-cutting," Poljen's simple grimace turns into an outright scowl. "Bah! Cratol has been running off on his own since before we met you, Velon. Even in Greenest, when we first sallied out from the keep through a secret tunnel, he went off exploring caverns while we rescued people from the chapel there." He glances at Lia. "Where we found Fay, yes?" He looks back to the group once more. "I may have an ego, and a temper, but I think my judgment is much more sound than Cratol's. I am more reliable, eh? He is a good fighter, I agree, and in a war like this, you can never have too many good fighters. But is he worth the effort it will take to pick him up, and heal whomever it is that needs it? That is a good question." He pauses then says, "But it is your decision. Yours and Lia's. I go where and when I am asked, and do what is asked of me. If you think we should go to him, well, how much time will it add to our journey?"

He turns to Poppo. "If we journey straight to this castle, save for flying around Thay, how long a trip? And if we add in the diversion to Cratol, how much more time is it?"

Out of Character: : Those last questions are things I don't know we have yet…

24th Aug, 2018 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Protector. says...

"So, you want me to scry on Cratol, now I thought a Gnome illusionist needed our immediate help,"? Tazskan answers Lawrence, and the group.
Tazskan looks a little annoyed, and perplexed.

"Very well then, but just remmember he needs to be a willing subject," Tazskan answers with a sarcastic smile.
"Ok then, I'll be in my room, dont bother knocking will come back out when done," Tazskan answers and walks back to his room.

Specific Action: Tazskan, makes all the necessary preparations for the divination, quiet place, check, cyrstal ball, check, meditation, check. He casts the scrying on Cratols location, now. It will take, 10 minutes of concentration.
Cratol, makes a save on his wisdom. If someone bothered to loan him a piece of Cratols garmet that is -4, If some one has a likeness or picture, or Perry morphing himself into him then -2
Spell is automatic for Tazskan, only roll is for Cratol to make.

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Tazskan quickly finds Cratol with his divination magics. He seems well enough, uninjured and unthreatened, though his clothing is stained with the dust of travel. He appears to be within some manner of magic shop, across from a diminutive human woman.

She looks up, directly at the sensor Tazskan is peering through, "Greetings"

Turning back to Cratol, she states, "It would seem your friends are the cautious sort, someone, I presume those with this Lia you had me message, is spying on us in turn."

At Poljen's question Poppo hops up on a nearby stool, looking to the maps on the table nearby. He studies them for a bit, using a bit of twine to estimate distances, "Hmm, if we went straight there, I'd say four days, another half day at least if we skirt around Thay, and the same added if we head to Everlund but don't stay long."

"On the plus side, if I recall right, Everlund wouldn't be a bad place to get some quick shopping done if that was still a priority."

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Post Date: 24th Aug, 2018 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 1096

I posted the answers to the questions in the other thread but when scried Cratol will answer the questions as asked about if he was the message sender the commander name and that he is well.

25th Aug, 2018 - 12:22am / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
Dragonborn Lvl 10 Warl...
Follower / Middle Front
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 1096

The Protector. says...

Relieved, and a little exhausted Tazskan finnishes his scrying attempt.
" looks like Cratol seems ok,” he notes.
When finnished, he leaves the room and informs Lawrance, whom had the prepared questions. About being under Threat or controlled.
Afterwards, will relay it all to Velon and the others.

> TOPIC: Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread


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