"Hey Captain Callahan, you seem like you know a lot about fighting and wars and stuff, do you think we have a shot at taking them all out from above with the amount of rocks and other siege weapons we have? What are our odds here if we go for a straight assault from above?" Perry asks the experienced battle veteran.
Poljen listens to the group discuss plans of attack. "I fear that once we begin dropping things on them they will scatter about. I suspect it would take a long time to get them all. I would think we should have a small unit on the ground, so when the chaos erupts, if we see a chance to strike at key players in the confusion, we can. If the attack from the air stays effective, though, we can hold back. At a minimum, it should alert the gnome we are at least, if not on his side, working against a common foe."
Lia smiles as she hears Gaelin's plan to help on the sky Castle." I'm glad that you are doing better Gaelin. You will be a tremendous asset to us here. If you need any assistance feel free to let me know. "
The beautiful cleric looks down at the situation below. She purses her lips thoughtfully as the others speak." I like the idea of attacking from above. We should contact the gnome below before we do anything however. We really need to coordinate this. He might have an idea of something else we can do. Why don't we send a familiar down to the tower to make contact. Taz… you can send your pseudodragon, right? You can speak through him directly to the gnome if I remember correctly."
"The idea of sending people down there is extremely dangerous. It would be very easy to get trapped by an entire army. If we knew for certain that we could get into the tower is one thing… We don't have that luxury. That's one reason I believe contacting the gnome should be the very first thing that we do."
Callahan shrugs, "The Snow Leopard has the right of it. Unless they have some surprise we haven't seen, victory is assured. But the problem is, in this case, victory just means we kill a relative handful and watch the rest flee into the woods. If they're disciplined at all, they'll regroup and find a way to cause us trouble in spite of the advantage we have"
"If we want to turn it into a proper rout, we'll need to find some way to corral them, keep them from fleeing right away."
"A small unit on the ground looking for officers to bring down could also work, but I don't know if I'd recommend that. Even you lot would be overwhelmed if a few hundred decide to run through your position."
To Sylmae, Lawrance adds "It seems to be a spirit magic of some sort. A cross between Channeling or perhaps Lay Healing. I'm sure we could find some parallels in my magic that you could learn and you could pick up some spells that fit your link to the Weave. It'll be fun!"
Lia looks at the unknown figure with a disturbed expression on her face. She thinks of Fay, so many miles away. "This is just entertainment. It has to be.... Fay… "She gets up and walks away quickly.
Mari laughs as Velon jokes with her." Thank you for the concern, Velon. Everyone is treating me fine now. The battle with the dragon did help I'm sure. I enjoyed teaming with you to kill Neronvain. What a monster. As to killing our wizard ... A shame it didn't work out." She grins at this." I am watching everyone though. Our enemies would love to put a spy in with us."
Out of Character: : Playing catch-up here due to busy schedule.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Sep, 2018 - 12:06am
Velon chimes in once again. "This is frustrating, as we are tempted to act with very little information. Amabalis was cut off from all magic as he got close the maze, yet the mages inside near the castle can cast spells at the gate?" Velon thinks for a moment. "Taz, can you have Amabalis fly around a bit more and test out where magic will and will not work? If we are at all tempted to enter the maze ourselves, we must know where we can and can't count on our magic. Perhaps it is just over the maze that it is blocked, but not in closer to the tower?"