Tazskan, is overcome by frustration, and appears to be shocked, and surprised all at once. He relays the information to the others, indirectly answering Velon, at the same time.
"I don't know what just happened but I've lost contact with my familiar, for the first time in my life," he says exasperated.
"Who in the hell is interfering, with the connection, I would like to know," He says angrily.
Then suddenly, he says. "But now I can see through his eyes again He is flying back towards the castle, something has him spooked," he continues, a little shaken.
Specific Action: Tazskan, is relieved at having gained access to his pseudodragons senses once more. He has the pseudodragon, move closer to the tower.
Tazskan, is paying closer attention to the architecture, are there windows? Doors? Guards, or sentries present?
The pseudodragon, is not showing any overt hostile action, but circling overhead, keeping a respectable distance, from the fortress. Edited: anronrosby on 5th Sep, 2018 - 3:38am
Mari speaks up after a moment of silence." Let us go in and scout. Zarra, Penelope and I can mask our appearance to blend in with the soldiers below. Zarra can use magic. Maybe we can pick up some valuable information. We can't afford to act rashly without more to work with. This is what I am trained for among other things."
Velon chimes in yet again. “It is risky, but we do need more information. As of now, we cannot enter the maze as some of us would like as it may block all magic. Taz, Lawrance, can you have your familiars fly a pattern around the tower and figure out where this area of no magic begins and ends? Does it go all the way to the ground such that our magic would be useless inside the maze?”
Back to Mari’s suggestion, Velon is unsure. “One slip and we will be bartering the castle for your lives. Do any of you have magic to escape quickly if they see through your deception? What if we all went down and simply snatched up any soldiers that wander too close to the edge of their perimeter? Would that keep you safer? I bet Perry could even charm a few away!”.
"If Mari, and a stealth team were to successfully capture, a single Cultist,"? Tazskan say's.
"Maybe, the cultist could be brought back for some persuasive interrogation, who knows what we might find out,"? Tazskan adds.
"Hmm, I have dimension door, but the range is limited to 500 feet, also invisibility, but we would need a quick get away," He continues.
Out of Character: Unless stated elsewhere, Tazskan is continuing to monitor through, the psuedodragon. As he is closer to the gnomes tower, noting what he sees. Also sensing if contact with the familiar is fading, or difficult. Indicating, opposing magic interference.
"Yup, easy peasy! I'll just walk right up to one of the 800 armed cultists and politely ask them what's going on. Nothing could possibly go wrong. On that note, why don't we just ask AzureMad to leave? I'm sure we could come to an amicable agreement that works for both parties here," Perry says.
When the lawful good paladin suggests kidnapping, Perry responds, "Oh we could totally snatch a straggler! I could turn them into a small tortoise and bring them here!" Edited: seath on 5th Sep, 2018 - 4:10am