Velon encourages the group to move up within a range of Mari and Perry at which they could be helpful if there is trouble. He makes sure someone is left behind to guard the platform. If they are in a thick, wooded area, perhaps they stay back 100 yards to ensure they cannot be discovered. If the terrain is more open, perhaps they stay back further or use some sort of illusion to mask their presence. Either way they will risk being a bit too far away over risking being seen by any patrols.
The paladin watches their surroundings closely and counts the seconds until the wizard starts conjuring a menagerie of steeds, huts and elementals.
Out of Character: Perhaps they bring some of Callahan's men down to guard the platform each time they use it.
Lawrance keeps up his scanning of the forest for threats or spies, his enhanced vision showing details from afar that some times distract his vigilance. Pondering many topics, he wonders about someone incapacitating the troops enmasse or distracting them in some fashion to make it easier to defeat them.
Out of Character: - That might be far better than allocating a PC. We don't even know what kind of 'levels' these foot soldiers are on average. One fireball could put paid to a few dozen or more. I need a shaped fireball, that has a larger radius, but does less damage. 240 feet radius, but only 3d8 *smile*.
The newly made turtle makes some frantic grunting noises, but it is far too faint to be overheard by his companions. He is scooped up rather easily as Perry follows along, mimicking the youth's casual manner.
Soon enough, the guy apparently in charge of the group looks back. Dismissing Perry with a disinterested glance, he resumes scanning the area.