Tazskan, sees the approaching patrol and decides to unleash two crackling bolts of agonizing eldritch force at the nearest enemy.
After that will duck back behind the shrubbery, from plain view.
Perry sees everyone charging forward towards the patrol guys. He notices the horn on the leader's side and sees Poljen charging the poor man recklessly as usual. Cratol and Mari aren't far behind. "Here we go again," he thinks to himself. Using the barbarian and monk as distractions, the bard will do what any good bard does in this dangerous situation and play a soft lullaby on his mandolin. A pattern of lights powered by fey magic swarms around the rest of the soldiers.
Specific Action: Hypnotic Pattern oriented to hit as many of them as I can. The horse riders, minus the leader who is currently getting pummeled, are the primary targets since they can cover the most distance if they try to flee for help. I'm hoping that I can catch a lot of the guys on foot as well as the horses themselves. Daishain, please use your discretion so that I can hit the most targets here, preferably without catching any of my allies in it. Hopefully I roll high on initiative to make that geometry easier. DC 18 Wisdom saving throws for anyone in a 30 foot cube at disadvantage since I'm using the mandolin. Perry will swing the mandolin back around on his back once finished.
Out of Character: Unfortunately I swapped out silence earlier, but I'm not sure it would be terribly effective here without some form of grappling/lockdown. It's difficult to coordinate grappling in Play By Post and in this group in particular. Kyr, as Mape, was able to do it because she is awesome and a cooperative fellow Dungeons & Dragons player! Good call on the stunning strike as well KN! Edited: seath on 13th Sep, 2018 - 5:21pm
Velon is responding to Cratol and addressing the group as the patrol draws near and Poljen charges out without warning or any readied spells being cast. "So we'll have Taz signal the castle. Then, I can cast my Hold Person spell but Perry probably has a song woven with magic for suc… ah, oh, here we go then… "
Velon looks at Lia and just shrugs his shoulders as he's growing used to such things from the brilliant tactician with the ego made of glass. He passes Taz and puts a hand on his shoulder, saying "Signal the castle, if you would" to the dragonborn. The paladin appears to be in no particular rush, entering the battlefield after the others since he won't be keeping up with Poljen and Cratol anyhow. He prepares to cast his Hold Person spell at any member of the patrol that seems to escape the efforts of the rest of the party, acting as their safety net for the attack.
Out of Character: Readied action to cast Hold Person regardless of where I fall in initiative. If no one escapes the hypnotic pattern, the stun, and the group's attacks I'm happy to simply save the spell slot and take no action for round one or the surprise round! .
Edited: Cinder on 13th Sep, 2018 - 5:52pm
It begins, with a twisting pattern of intricate strands. Several men stand entranced by the illusion, and one of the horsemen is frustratingly trying to yank his horse away from it. And then Poljen, Cratol, and Mari are among them. The man with the horn is swiftly brought down between the barbarian and the rogue, while Cratol assaults another of the horsemen, bringing him down with help from an arrow from Lia's bow
Morgaine meanwhile puts two arrows in the chest of one of those on foot, killing him where he stood.
The last two still active whirl and draw swords, but then arcane bolts from Lawrance and Tazskan slam home, killing one of them.
The other drops his weapon upon seeing that he was suddenly alone. He quickly kneels in surrender, while three men sway gently as they continue to stare at Perry's spell.
Out of Character: Velon can keep his spell slot. That certainly went quickly.
Poljen grins as the ambush goes smoothly. The one who has surrendered is obviously pleading for his life. Poljen looks at Velon and raises his axe. His eyes ask the obvious question, and he waits for their leader's decision on the survivors…
Tazskan, signals the castle via his pseudodragon of their victory over a passing patrol. Utilizing the voice of the chain feature.
"We, have successfully taken out the patrol, most likely the one that had been sent to investigate, our prisoner that went missing," He relays, to Poppo and the group in the castle.
"Stand by, for the assault on the main camp, with stones and rocks via ballista, as previously directed," he continues.
Tazskan, sees that one is left kneeling in surrender, while the rest seemed stunned. Tazskan, takes the opportunity, to quietly and quickly, move between the stunned patrol members, and the one kneeling.
He removes their weapons, disarming them, and bounds them up with rope.
"I could do with a hand here, does someone have a spare large sack, to throw all this stuff into,"? He says.
Perry hastily assists his good friend Tazskan by opening his magic bag to hold all of the weapons. He says to Morgaine and Cratol, "Need some help from you two strong people please! We only have one minute to get these guys tied up and gagged. We don't want them shouting or casting spells. Morgaine, you must be good with tying knots super tight, right?"
Mari frowns but steps over and helps the others." Perry, any chance of making these prisoners think we are friends? If so maybe four of us could disguise ourselves and mix in with them. Might help us to infiltrate further."
Lia grins at the others." Well done. Very impressive teamwork. Perry, that was a great idea with your spell. You are truly an invaluable member of this team. I want you to meet my son Fay one day. You two would get along well. At least as well as he and Velon does." She grins and glances at the paladin.