"I can assist with intimidation also, Velon, who knows I might get to try out a vampiric touch," Tazskan reveals a wicked grin.
He ensures, that his is close enough, to the captive, that was unaffected by Perrys spell. So that even he can hear him.
"I like your style Mari," he says admiring her dangerous blades.
"Why should Mari and Poljen have all the fun,"?Tazskan, says as he helps finnish tying up, and gaging the rest of the culists up.
One of the four looks like he is about to say something, but quails when an older man speaks, "You belong to the Queen boy, say so much as a word, and your punishment would make you beg for the worst this lot are capable of."
It certainly appears that the group's display had an effect, but they're apparently just as scared of the officer in charge.
Mari grins at this." Do you know who you are dealing with? I work for the Zhentarim. You should get your priorities straight. The queen isn't your problem tonight. I am." She sashays over to the leader who just spoke. She takes her dagger and slits his throat. ' Tell your queen that the Zhents send their regards." She then kicks him over.
Mari then looks at the others." He made a.... Bad decision. Do you wish to follow him? "She stands in front of the one that almost spoke and points at him." You… If you don't talk I will keep you as my plaything. I will flay you alive before chopping things from your body. Choose wisely. I'm all out of patience tonight. We will let you live if you talk. We can even take you away from here so you can start over. What will it be?" She stands there with blood dripping from her dagger. Edited: Kyrroeth on 15th Sep, 2018 - 2:30am
The three remaining start babbling, most of it is useless, or you have already heard it from The Prisoner you took before. However a few things do stand out:
-Supposedly the objective here is to obtain some manner of weapon useful for killing dragons. The cult hopes to use it against Bahamut's servants. None of those here know anything about the nature of said weapon.
-Supposedly the maze is a troublesome thing, it's much more than simple twists and turns. Almost a hundred men never returned from the Army's first attempt to find a way through by simply flooding it with searchers.
-There is some kind of giant metal bird somewhere around here, it killed the dragon that was with them before, but was seriously damaged in turn.
-Finally, the passphrase to get in by the sentries is "Night dawns."
While the interrogation continues, Lawrance steps aside, out of sight of the prisoners, and ritually casts Telepathic Bond to bind the group back into the mental link that proved so useful last time.
* So, what's the plan? Are we keeping these leftovers alive and imprisoned back onboard, or do we go the ruthless route again?*.
* Ah, Cratol, sorry! I forgot you hadn't been in our little mental group before. I, Lawrance, have linked us together to be able to plan and communicate without being overheard, at any distance. It only lasts the hour, but it is useful.*.