Tazskan, hears Lawrence talk telepathically to him, and responds in a like minded manner.
"Do we have the capacity, and enough men, to guard, and keep a floodgate of prisoners,"? Tazskan says.
"That is assuming all the patrols, succumb to us in a like manner," He adds.
"It appears that the so called secret weapon, could be in fact the large metallic bird creature," He says.
"It proved powerful, enough to bring down a chromatic dragon. This Gnome, illusionist is proving to be a quite formidable opponent for Cyanowrath," He continues.
"Even navigating the maze is proving difficult, for them, presumably the password to enter is night dawns,"? He says.
"I vote, that we continue to clean up the rest of the cultist patrols in a like manner," He continues.
"However, the moment our presence is discovered would be the moment, that we bomb the campsite," he concludes.
Cratol looks around as he hears the coices in his head. Thinking back to everyone he says, "Well this is a interesting way to communicate. The main problem I see about not bombing the encampment now is that if we are discovered that camp will start to empty to attack us in force. I believe bombing the encampment now is a great way to cause them problems and reduce their numbers while keeping us safe by being undiscovered."
Tazskan, hears Cratol over the mental link and responds.
"That is a good point," he says.
"Those back inside the castle above are well prepared, just give the word when ready," he answers.
"Then, I will have the psuedodragon, relay the orders," He continues.
Mari feels guilt in her mind regarding her action. She felt like it was necessary for the mission however. Sensing the telepathic link she states (I hope that didn't bother anyone. We don't have time for a drawn out interrogation. I used the bit about the Zhents to put more fear into them. Besides, if word gets out that the Zhents were supposedly behind this raid.... .that can only help our cause. I've done my part.). She wipes her dagger off and sheathes it.
Lia is looking wide eyed at Mari and the executed prisoner still. She looks at Velon and mouths," What just happened?"
Tazskan, hears Mari's thoughts, and answers telepathically.
"It's perfectly understandable Mari, given the situation, here," he says.
"Indeed, we may not have the time or resources to deal with to many prisoners, anyhow," he adds.
Morgaine, hearing the voices in her head once again, stays quite for a time. She does relate through the mental link, "Since we know the pass phrase is 'night dawns' could that be a way to talk to the gnome and let him know he has the Silver Blaze here to help? We may be able to figure out what the weapon is and other very useful information. "
Velon looks away from Mari and the executed prisoner with a pained expression. He moves over to Lia and asks her "What are we to do?" "We cannot take every cultist in the world prisoner and give them all a second chance."
With regard to the overall situation, Velon agrees with Cratol. "We are wasting time chasing children around the edges of this situation, making no real impact as the wizard remains under siege. His defenses could break at any time. Taz, as I asked once already, please tell them to start the bombardment of the camp, or I will waste my sending stone on it."
Out of Character: Daishain, if you want to move things forward and Anron may be asleep on the other side of the globe, Velon will call in the castle on his own if he must. Short of someone wrestling him to the ground to prevent use of the sending stones, it's going to happen. We can see if Taz cooperates or not after the fact.
The group calls in the go ahead to begin the bombardment. The cloud hovering over the camp begins to drop stones, large and small, to smash down amongst the tents. They seem to be targeted at least somewhat at random.
The stones are not the only thing dropped, flasks of burning oil are being targeted towards the center of the camp, where the more important areas are located, including supply caches.
At first, the response is fairly well organized, people find what cover they can, and try to strike back. It quickly proves fruitless however, as even if they had a clear target, they do not have weapons capable of reaching the source of the attack.
It doesn't take long after that is realized for the army to begin to break. People start abandoning the camp in droves. Some following officers into the woods, others simply running off. Many run into the maze entry, but most seem to prefer the wilds to that option.
It isn't long before many are heading the group's way. A loose band of about three dozen are unknowingly heading right for where the Silver Blaze is.