Morgaine from her hidden spot; quietly pulls the scimitar from her Quiver. She readies herself for the attack she know is coming. Her shield is helping to hide her as she hides among the bushes. She is able to look up the path though from were she is at.
Out of Character: Using my Extra Attack feat here. If I did extra just use them as needed Daishain *smile*.
Edited: Susanshadow on 18th Sep, 2018 - 12:42am
* If that's how we are to proceed, I will wait until the best coverage occurs for a fireball and take out as many as I can, when you give the word, Velon. After that, I will use minor magics and attack individuals that are not being attacked by any of you. Sounds good? A single fireball shouldn't draw too much added attention, but I'm reluctant to use more powerful magics, just in case.*
Specific Action: While concealed, Lawrance will prep and hold a Fireball at reasonably close range, waiting for Velon's signal, peeking out as the forces approach. He will center the spell on the three officers and anyone else in the radius will just be unlucky. After that, the next round will be Magic Missiles from the wand on individuals. If any prove tougher, four or fifth round will use Ice Knife to hit a few. If the opponents prove too tough for that kind of thing, use Steel Wind Strike by the fourth or fifth. One or the other, not both.
Edited: Gknightbc on 18th Sep, 2018 - 1:11am
Poljen waits until getting the signal from Velon, the bursts from his place of concealment and charges straight into the mass of soldiers, intent on striking at those who appear to be in charge…
Out of Character: : Similar to last combat. Bonus to Rage in first round, rush through the scrum to hit the folks in charge.
When to order is given Cratol will swing into action at the closest enemy and attack them once they fall he will attack the next closest one. He will try to work in conjunction with Poljen and Morgaine to make a good line of attack.
Out of Character: . He will not use any Ki points for this.
I am putting in a number of attacks three per round.
Lia speaks quietly to Lawrance." I'm thinking of using my force cube when they close in. I can use the setting that blocks out all but magic. You and I will be safe in there from all but magic. I doubt this group approaching has much magic to worry about. . We will be free to attack with impunity. I don't believe in fighting fair." She laughs.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Sep, 2018 - 2:29am
Perry waits for the Fireballs to thin the herd then charges in along with Velon and the other melee fighters. He brandishes his now acidic scimitar and begins cutting through the ranks.
Out of Character: I'm just going to post 3 rounds of booming blade attacks with advantage in case I get to flank with anyone. Please ignore every second attack roll if no flanking is happening here.
EDIT: Adding initiative and redoing rolls before the timer expires to clean them up a bit.
Edited: seath on 18th Sep, 2018 - 2:57am
When the order is given, Tazskan springs into action from his concealment.
Again choosing to attack with agonizing eldritch blast, at the nearest opportunity, at the closest foes. Will target those within range, or those unassigned a player engaged in melee combat already.
Out of Character: Will include four rolls, for four rounds of combat.
Edited: anronrosby on 18th Sep, 2018 - 3:10am
Velon gives the order as the fleeing enemies grow close, waiting as long as he can before the party might be discovered. He does not want the cultists to turn and run before they have their hands on them.
With keeping them from fleeing in mind, Velon steps from his concealment as Cratol, Poljen and the rest run by him and thinks to himself "Ah, what the hell." The paladin calls upon the magic inherited from Glorfindel and conjured a large burst of fire at the rear of the approaching pack. He wants to strike as many targets as he can, of course, but does so at the rear to help prevent their retreat, motivating even those scared by the attack to keep running at the party instead.
After the fireball, Velon hefts his hammer and shield and gets read to clean up the scared soldiers, trying to position himself to prevent any from escaping. He will flank where he can, but worries little about it since these do not appear to be the most skilled foes he has fought recently.
Out of Character: Two attacks per round finally, but not using GWM this fight.
If Velon crits or can get a kill on either melee turn, GWM will give him a bonus action attack. I'll add those, too, since these foes may go down quickly.